Beat Cop to Arrive March 30th With Cat-Friendly Expansion
Watch new "11 Facts About Beat Cop" and "Beat Cat" trailers; see some new screenshots

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Beat Cop Preview – October 25, 2016
First, Pixel Crow and 11 bit studios want you to know that the Beat Cat expansion is not a joke. It will be released free-of-charge along with Beat Cop when the game launches on March 30th.
Travel back to 1980s’ NYC as ex-detective Jack Kelly. After having been framed for murder, your life has more-or-less gone down the drain. Your friends have shunned you, you have a nasssssty boss, your wife is a harpy from hell and the Mafia is after you.
You have one last chance to uncover the truth. Just don’t forget about such activities as writing tickets and tongue-lashing jaywalkers. You’re a beat cop, after all.
Beat Cop features a non-linear story with multiple endings, an ’80s cop-show flavor (complete with old-school butt-kicking), cool pixel-art and humor to make your mother blush.
So mark your calendars for March 30th, when Beat Cop for Windows, Mac and Linux will burst forth on Steam, GOG.com and the Humble Store. Pre-orders are currently being taken.
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