Launch Date Revealed for Saint Kotar Kickstarter and Playable Demo
They will lift off in tandem on April 10, 2018; meanwhile, pre-alpha gameplay footage has been released

More info:
Take Cover with Saint Kotar – October 1, 2017
Developer Tanais Games has announced that a Kickstarter campaign will be launched for Saint Kotar on April 10, 2018. At the same time, a playable demo up to 30 minutes in length will be released.
Marko Tominić, Saint Kotar director, writer and designer: To some of our fans, this date may come as a surprise as you might have expected we’d do the campaign earlier, but we are confident this is the right decision. First and most important of all, it gives us enough time to polish the demo and to achieve the quality we are aiming at. Even if we can easily manage to release the demo earlier, we still would not launch our campaign on Kickstarter before April. Experience shows that the festivities and the beginning of the year are not the ideal period for a crowdfunding campaign. Don’t worry: in the meantime, we’re going to continue our work on “Saint Kotar,” even if this means we’ll have to finance the game out of our pocket up until then. There will be no standstill in development, not one day.
For additional information, see this blog entry.
Saint Kotar merges a narrative of psychological horror with classically inspired point-and-click adventure mechanics and switchable characters. It’s been inspired by such classics as Broken Sword, Gabriel Knight and Black Mirror, as well as the works of Lovecraft and Poe.
The game will be released on Windows, Mac and Linux.
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