The Poisoned Pawn – A Tex Murphy Adventure
Watch videos from the upcoming community-produced reimagining of Tex Murphy: Overseer (under the banner Chaotic Fusion), including a 19-minute demo and an update from Aaron Connors and Chris Jones
The Poisoned Pawn is far more than a traditional remake of Tex Murphy: Overseer. It represents the next step in the Tex Murphy legacy. It’s also more than a simple fan project; it’s a full-fledged release intended for the gaming market to build upon the exposure to Tex Murphy as achieved in Tesla Effect.
The mission of Chaotic Fusion is to remake Tex Murphy: Overseer in its entirety on the very recently released UNITY 5 engine. Along with the all the original cinematics, puzzles, conversations, story and settings, Poisoned Pawn will feature new and expanded settings, brand new puzzles and even more immersive gameplay. Hence, Poisoned Pawn is truly a step forward in the evolution of Tex Murphy in that it will take the lessons learned from 2014’s Tesla Effect and build upon the technology which made that title a success.
The project also has the full support of Big Finish Games. It will feature performances by Michael York, Clint Howard, Henry Darrow and yes, Chris Jones, with an expanded narrative by Aaron Conners.
If your first Tex adventure was Tesla Effect, then Overseer is ideal for you as this is the chapter that leads directly into the events portrayed in Tesla Effect and features two of Tesla’s major characters in a substantial role.
Chaotic Fusion currently projects a Fall 2017 launch date for The Poisoned Pawn. The game will be released on Windows with possible VR support on Oculus Rift.
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