The Occupation Will Move into Released Status February 5, 2019
After several delays, this investigative thriller from White Paper Games gets a new launch date
More info: White Paper Games Announces The Occupation – March 29, 2017
It’s 1987. You’re a journalist in North West England. In a time of political unrest, civil liberties are at risk.
You must investigate the events surrounding an explosion that has taken many lives. You’ll question those who may have ties to this event; each will have a different version of what happened.
A possibility exists that the government may be responsible. If true, you must be able to prove it.
You’ll choose your own path and make decisions based on the evidence you find. In doing so, you’ll guide the narrative.
Your time will be limited. You must conclude your investigation before a controversial bill that sacrifices freedom for security becomes law.
The Occupation is being constructed with Unreal 4. The plan is to release the game February 5, 2019 on Windows, PS4 and Xbox One.
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