Several Milestones Reached for Upcoming JRPG-Inspired Pixel Noir
SWDTech releases a new Beta demo for Kickstarter backers, a public Alpha demo for everyone else and a new Beta trailer

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JRPG-inspired Pixel Noir is Coming in Q1 2018 – March 12, 2017
You were once a rookie cop, but while tracking a lead to an abandoned hospital you got in way over your head. Your partner was killed and the hospital burned down. You were an easy target to blame and served 10 years behind bars.
You’re out of prison now, albeit not too tightly wrapped. You live in Pinnacle City — a nasty place full of human scum and black market trade. You’re scraping by as the cheapest private eye in town. You find lost pets and chase down cheaters. Your skills either pay off or get you punched out.
And all the while, you’re haunted by what happened all those years ago. You hear voices. You see things…monsters, actually. When you get a chance to clear yourself, your hallucinations may hold the key to your redemption.
You’ll find links to all available demos on this page. And if you haven’t met the main cast members yet, they’re on the page as well.
Pixel Noir is on track to be released early in 2018 for Windows, Mac, PS4, PSVita and Xbox One.
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