Sci-Fi Mystery Adventure Trüberbrook Lands on Kickstarter
Go on vacation and end up in participating in activities no one mentioned in the brochure courtesy of Berlin-based developer btf and Headup Games
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Developer btf is Gearing Up For a Trüberbrook Kickstarter – October 4, 2017
Visit the Kickstarter page
It’s the late ’60s; the setting is cold war Germany. You are Hans Tannenhauser, a PhD candidate in the field of quantum physics. You’re having a bad case of doctoral thesis writer’s block.
You win a trip in a lottery (although you don’t exactly remember doing so) and end up in Trüberbrook, a remote, densely-forested village in rural Germany. You’re hoping for some rest and relaxation. How silly of you.
Trüberbrook is being developed in Unity 3D, and btf is going to great pains to give it a very special look. As you can see from the trailers and the Kickstarter page, the work is quite labor-intensive.
Game development started in 2014, initially with the help of Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, a regional media development fund, and through side-projects taken on by team members. btf is now asking for your backing in order to complete Trüberbrook, which will be released on Windows, Mac, Linux, Xbox One, Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch in 2018. It will offer up to 10 hours of gameplay.
The Kickstarter campaign will run until December 14th. In case you missed it, here is the link. Now, go!
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