Endless Space 2 Has Received An Official Launch Date
The 4X sci-fi game from Amplitude Studios will leave Early Access on May 19th

Endless Space 2, the sequel to the two-time Unity award-winning Endless Space, is a turn-based strategy game that expands throughout the Endless universe. The player takes on the role of a leader who guides civilization as it makes its first steps into interstellar space. You can play through eight factions alone or against friends.
The game is powered by GAMES2GETHER, an established video game co-creation platform that brings the gaming community into game studios.
So mark your calendars for May 19th, when Endless Space 2 will be released in all its glory for Windows on Steam. The game will be available in two versions: a Standard Edtion and a Digital Deluxe Edition (includes Digital Soundtrack, Pathfinder Academy heroes and Hero ship skins). Last but not least, the game will also be available at retail “for collectors of shiny things.”
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