You’ll Find The Search On Windows April 14th
Created entirely by indie developer Jason Godbey, this relatively short adventure game is a peaceful, imaginative and emotional work of interactive storytelling
The Search will take you on a journey of discovery and inspiration. You’ll traverse four unknown worlds seeking clues concerning their nature as well as the nature of your own existence.
Letters from a mysterious stranger will guide you through a surreal, enchanted world in which obstacles can be overcome by your own creativity, and where art comes to life to create tears in the fabric of reality.
Who wrote the letters? Why were you chosen to take this journey?
Jason Godbey, the game’s creator: “I wanted to create an experience rich in atmosphere and mystery, filled with symbolism and metaphor. The Search is a point-and-click adventure game about discovery. It’s a relatively short game, but hopefully players will find it filled to the brim with imagination.”
The Search features beautiful 3D artwork, a haunting soundtrack and voice acting by Cissy Jones (Delilah in Firewatch; Dishonoured 2, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Life is Strange and The Walking Dead).
The game will be available for Windows starting April 14th on Steam and
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