Detective Case and Clown Bot: Murder in the Hotel Lisbon – Screenshots, FAQs, Negative FAQs
Passion, humor, mystery, horror and drama in a point-and-click adventure reminiscent of the ’80s and ’90s for Windows, Mac and Linux
News – August 22, 2013
Q. Will the game be released for mobile phones like the Android or the iPhone?
A. Well, first of all, “Android” is not a mobile phone, it’s an operating system, but whatever. Yes, we are thinking, in a not so far away future, maybe when Portugal is governed by intelligent people, of releasing a version for clever bricks and flat computers. Till then you’ll have to cheer yourself with the desktop versions for the personal computer.
Q. What about gaming consoles?
A. For now you’ll have to console yourself with the versions that there are now. HA! Now, seriously, we’re not planning on developing the game for gaming consoles.
Q. Do you use a game engine or is it all coded from scratch?
A. The best programmer in the world, perhaps in the whole galaxy, who knows, is working at Nerd Monkeys right now. We are trying to exploit him fully and making sure we suck out everything he has to offer before he’s 35. Still, despite all our efforts, he’s decided to use Game Maker Studio. He says it’s the ideal game engine for this project, and I guess we just have to believe him.
Q. Why isn’t the game free?
A. Because the people that make video games also need to eat and pay rent, among other regular things.
Q. Do the characters have voices?
A. Yes. The voices of all the characters were recorded by famous actors. Then, through an expensive and costly process, we converted them into written words. This way it is possible to keep the style and ’80s design without compromising the quality.
Q. Will you release DLC in the future?
A. We’ll release DLC later. But we’ll never release anything in the future, that would be stupid. Next thing you know you’ll be asking us to release stuff in the past. Pfff.
Q. Why such a low resolution?
A. “Why shucha wow wesowution?”
Q. No, seriously. Shouldn’t everything have been done in HD or somehow more…defined?
A. “Nah, sherishly. Blah bla blaahh buh eitshdee bla blahh…blaaaaah?”
Negative FAQs
Q. Why Negative F.A.Q.?
A. We can’t answer most of the cool questions the journalists ask about the game yet because it’s not convenient for us. So it’s easier to say what the game is not about. Isn’t it neat?
Q. In that case, what are you making?
A. We are not making a book or a movie or a music album. We are also not at the office all day playing video games.
Q. Is it an RPG, an RTS, or something with 3 letters?
A. It’s not an RPG (Role Playing Game) or an RTS (Real Time Strategy), or even an FPS (First Person Shooter).
Q. What platforms are you developing the game for?
A. It will not be developed for the Sega Genesis or the Super NES. On the other hand, it doesn’t work on just one platform.
Q. When will the game be released?
A. It won’t be released in 2012 or 2011 because…it’s impossible. Unless you have a time machine, but then we would launch the game before we begin to make it, therefore eliminating the need to make it in the first place which means we couldn’t travel in time to launch it— AARGGHHH
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