Kathy Rain Demo Has Been Released Ahead of May 5th Launch
Get a sneak peek of the game right now
A Launch Date of May 5th is Detected by Kathy Rain – April 6, 2016
Straight from publisher Raw Fury Games:
“We’ve got one week until release but you can get a sneak peek of Kathy in action RIGHT FREAKING NOW. Score!
“A badass female lead with a troubled past, weird things going on in small town USA, and a mystery to solve. Yup, a storm is coming.
“Kathy Rain heads off on her first adventure in exactly seven days but you won’t have to wait that long to hop on The Katmobile, you can download a demo of Kathy Rain at this very moment to get you prepped for your ride into the ’90s on May 5th.
“The demo comes in two flavors – Steam or DRM-free on GOG! Windows and Mac versions are both available on either platform.
“If you like where Kathy is going after playing the demo, be sure to pick it up for 10% off before the game launches! Kathy Rain is available on Steam, Humble, GOG, Green Man Gaming and more. For a full list of stores you can pick up Kathy Rain from, head on over to the official site.
“We’ll see you on May 5th! Until then, stay rebellious.”
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