Gibbous – A Cthulhu Adventure Hits Kickstarter and Greenlight
Here we have a "comedy cosmic horror point-and-click adventure with a Transylvanian twist" and a playable demo to boot

Visit the Kickstarter page (where you can also download the demo)
Visit the Greenlight page
Where do I start? Three-person indie developer Stuck In Attic — based in Transylvania, no less (really!) — is assembling a point-and-click adventure that’s a spoof of the Cthulhu Mythos. That’s right. It’s a comedy/parody, described as “Lovecraft meets Day Of The Tentacle.”
The Devs say, however, that they “would not dare mock the Old Ones. Our hearts are deeply and genuinely stricken with fear of the Elders, and we promise to make fun of them in as respectful a manner as possible.”
Gibbous is also a love letter to classic-era LucasArts adventures and Lovecraft, and has been influenced by Hitchcock, Mark Twain, Peter Sellers, Sam & Max, Richard Pryor, Grocho Marx, Grim Fandango and a bunch of other people/games. It will be character-driven and story/exploration-oriented, and will revolve around the dreaded Necronomicon and its effects on the protagonists.
Speaking of which, in the game, you’ll control three of ’em (protagonists, that is): grizzled detective Don R. Ketype; easy-going librarian Buzz Kerwan; and Buzz’s cat, Kitteh, whom he has accidentally transformed “into a talking abomination,” and has to find a way to change her back to normal. Along the way, these three will confront cultists, ancient voodoo and Dead Cthulhu himself (Devs: “Well, ‘dead’ is just a matter of opinion…).
I could say a lot more, but I’d rather you visit the Kickstarter (please consider backing!) and Greenlight (upvote! upvote!) pages, both of which have a lot more information. The Kickstarter campaign, with a base goal of $40,993 USD (37% of which has already been raised), will run until May 5, 2016.
Gibbous – A Cthulhu Adventure is currently in early development and will be released on Windows, Mac and Linux at a date TBD. A playable demo is available on the Kickstarter page.
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