Mografi Has Been Hard at Work on Jenny LeClue
This past month has brought a few big things and "lots of spoilery things"
Jenny LeClue Wants to Tease Us – June 14, 2015
Jenny LeClue Video, Screens, Info – July 24, 2014
Jenny LeClue is a Kickstarter-funded, exploration-based adventure game focused on story, character and mystery from indie developer Mografi.
Joe, along with the rest of the LeClue Team, have said they’re closing in on gameplay level design vs story and conceptual level design. They have also finalized the story structure of Part One.
The prologue has been roughly animated, but nothing can be said about “[ redacted redacted redacted redacted ] without spoiling it.”
Joe has also told us that a dynamic lighting system is being tested that includes real-time shadows and “may be part of a mechanic I’m calling [ redacted redacted ].”
The game is not to have abstruse or enigmatic puzzles to slow things down. Also, the current plan is to have a universal action button that changes in response to context, with dynamic icons representing available actions.
“Lastly, Joe has said he’s “super excited to announce [ Redacted Redacted redacted redacted redacted redacted redacted redacted redacted redacted redacted redacted redacted redacted ]! Incredible! More on this in the coming months! =]”
As previously revealed, a free playable teaser — The Journal of Professor Zazer — can be downloaded for iPhone, iPad, Windows, Mac and Linux on this page, where pre-order info is also available.
Additional information on the game’s progress can be found here.
Jenny LeClue will be released on Linux, iPhone, iPad, Windows and Mac at a date TBD. So — until next time — [ redacted redacted redacted redacted ].
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