4PM Is Released on PC, Mac and Linux
From indie developer Bojan Brbora, the game is a blend of linear, cinematic storytelling and interactive gameplay
4PM – Trailer, Screens and Info – February 18, 2014
You are Caroline, an alcoholic. You’re hungover and about to be fired. You’re unable to remember what you did the night before. You’re stuck in a downward spiral of self-destruction.
As the game begins, Caroline wakes at 10am to face another day. You’ll explore her environment, learn about her life and her struggles, and make choices that culminate in a powerful, life-changing moment at 4pm the same day.
Featuring high productions values and a visual style that reflects Brbora’s cinematography roots, his debut game also boasts a fully orchestrated score and professional voice acting that belie its origins as a graduate project from the UK’s National Film and Television School (NFTS).
Described by Serbian-born Brbora as a short, experiential drama, the vision for 4PM is an ambitious one, as the developer explains: “Games allow designers and players to explore challenging issues in a way that’s simply not possible in any other medium. I’ve tried to combine a sense of ‘everyday’ realism with an interactive experience that is still satisfying to play, and I hope I’ve done it in a way that’s a bit different from many of the games we see on sale today. I’m keen to continue to explore the approach further in future titles but I’m looking forward to seeing how people react to 4PM.”
4PM is now available on Windows, Mac and Linux.
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