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Second Opinion on Quest for Infamy

Second Opinion on Quest for Infamy

Second Opinion on Quest for Infamy

Dawn Appelberg provides a second opinion on Quest for Infamy, indie developer Infamous Quests’ RPG, which is done in an old-school VGA graphical style


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There isn’t a gamer alive who hasn’t at one time or another, thought of some sarcastic snark regarding a move that the game either allows you to do, or that you have to do in order to complete a mission. There also isn’t a gamer alive who can look me in the eye and dare claim they have not thought some pretty sarcastic statements while on a grind or a quest that is apparently taking forever and a day. Finally, there is a game that brings those observations to life – in spades.

A Game that Tosses Out the Politically Correct Manual!

Quest for Infamy is a game that finally threw the politically correct manual out the window and calls it as it is. The main character is witty and droll, and deserves to get a slap in the face, perhaps even two, yet manages to make more friends with his sarcasm than enemies. The helpful hints also are beneficial in a manner that received a fist pump, or three, when I read them. Calling the player a “dumb arse” for attempting to do something stupid is tantamount to a hurt feelings report, yet Quest for Infamy had no problem doing so!

Now, some may find the language salty, the treatment of women a bit crude, and the graphics a bit old school. To me, this made the game more authentic and fun. While too many games have either decided to throw out any respect for females (as in Grand Theft Auto), and others have bent over backwards not to tick off some feminist (such as Cinders), this game calls it like it sees it.

Perhaps this reviewer’s background in the military may have tainted the perspective, yet it still played as if the producers were attempting to authenticate the characters. For example, if you’re a female in a tavern, serving the drunks of the town, there really shouldn’t be an expectation of respect for your honor. Who hasn’t heard the one about the innkeeper’s or farmer’s daughter? That dirty ditty is as old as “pull my finger”!


As for gameplay, there are simple quests and basic turn based battles with creatures. The graphics reminded me of the Wolfenstein era, and actually were not distracting. The game also reminded me of some of the other simplistic but well developed graphic styles games, such as Dungeon’s and Dragons, yet I enjoyed the battles in this game more.

The characters you play can learn different spells as well as battle moves. While attempting to find anything seriously wrong with the game I finally stumbled upon one complaint for the spell casting and such – for the new player there is little to explain about that book, and when you open it and it says “nope, nothing to see here” you can get a bit crazy in your experimenting attempting to get something to fill that slot. I died 12 times attempting to sneak around the undead when I first started, just to see if invisibility would pop into my spell book. (Or maybe it is just me?)

In many other games, being introduced to characters can be a game distraction. Quest for Infamy managed to do so in a way that made you amused and curious to find out more. A case in point was the bawdy married couple in the butcher store who were hilarious every time you went in, with some sort of insult flying, but invariably ending in endearments. They reminded me of a married couple from New Jersey, always bickering, yet willing to die for each other.

If there has to be one thing I had an issue with, it’s the limited amount of instructions which came with the help screen. It would have been extremely beneficial to find out exactly how to heal by eating (you get rations after all), or, if you were stuck, to find out how to complete a task at hand. For example, I must have killed at least 13 random beasts before I finally managed to get the one apparently needed for this one quest, and then I was left spinning my wheels as I tried to figure out how to get the quest item. I was also quite annoyed when I realized how much loot I didn’t have based on me not realizing that I COULD loot.

As I played, it quickly became apparent that the developers have a sick sense of humor, as you could be aimlessly wandering forever without realizing how close or far you are from a quest. A good sarcastic push in the right direction would have not only been appropriate, but hilarious as well.

Final Thoughts 

All in all I found the game to be entertaining, functionally simplistic, and with plenty of adult humor that did not lower into toilet humor so much as adult chortle. To be sure, Quest for Infamy isn’t a game for young children. However, it is a game that I would recommend to any of my gaming friends, with the expectation that not only would they be happy playing it, but also contemplating extending the game to other storylines. Quest for Infamy knocks it out of the park!


Grade: A-
Quest for Infamy knocks it out of the park – entertaining with plenty of adult humor. 
+ A game that throws the politically correct manual out the window. 
– Limited instructions in help screens is frustrating at times.



System Requirements:
Platform Mac, PC
Perspective Third-Person
Control Point-and-click
Gameplay Hybrid – RPG, Quest
Genre Fantasy
Theme –
Graphic Style Stylized art
Presentation 2D or 2.5D
Action (Compulsory) Combat
Internet download

Official Website for the Game;


Dawn Appelberg

Dawn Appelberg

Dawn is an active gamer, with her favorite platform MMORPGs. Â Since the earliest Pong and written choose your own adventure style games on the Commodore 64, she has been a part of the gaming community since before it was mainstream. While she does play console, most of her gaming preferences is computer based. A retired army veteran, Dawn lives in Washington State with her husband and three kids. She homeschools her kids, runs a national homeschooling network, earned two Bachelors (Psychology and Criminal Justice) and is now working on her Masters in Constitutional Law. She also is the Executive Officer for a sports complex and runs the nonprofit which works with it. On the side, she works with radio personalities to find sponsorships that meet their audience target.

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