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White Heaven Announced by Dreampainters Software

White Heaven Announced by Dreampainters Software

New horror-adventure game will take place in same fictional universe as Anna and will be in 3D using Unreal Engine 4.


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Dreampainters Software announced today White Heaven, a 3D horror-adventure game that will be set in the same fictional universe as Anna and built using the Unreal Engine 4 system.
Set in an abandoned hotel in a cold mountainous wood region, Eric Blanc wakes up to find his cell door open. After having been captured by a gang of criminals and held in the hotel, Eric is set to escape. He decides to not leave until he can find Linda, a gang member with whom he has fallen in love (Stockholm Syndrome anyone?). As he searches the hotel for her, he realizes that the shadows hold more than just darkness.
That’s all we got for a storyline, but we were also able to get this incredibly tense teaser trailer:
White Heaven will be a PC and Mac exclusive, and will also natively support the Occulus Rift, the virtual reality visor created by Visor VR.

Scott Alan

Scott Alan

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