Check Out the New Voice of the Joker
Hear the new voice of the Joker. Troy Baker – the new Joker – at NY Comic-Con.

What makes a good game great?
Oftentimes its attention to details, like voice acting, that will turn a good game into a blockbuster.
Troy Baker is the new voice of the Joker in Batman: Arkham Origins, and his participation bodes well for this 75 year old franchise. Troy has already helped two of the biggest games of 2013 become the leading contenders for game of the year. He was the voice actor for Joel in the mega-hit The Last of Us AND Booker DeWitt in BioShock Infinite.
At the New York Comic-Con, Troy provided an impromptu performance of his new role as Joker in Batman: Arkham Origins. The performance is a must see.
As Troy says, the monologue provides “one of the best cross-sections of who the Joker is.”
Troy takes over the role of the Joker from Mark Hamil (Yes, Luke Skywalker).
Are you too “sold” after watching the video? Thinking of playing Batman: Arkham Origins? And what do you think of Troy Baker? Could he top Mark Hamil, Heath Ledger, Jack Nicholson, or Cesar Romero as the Joker. Comment below.
Troy Baker has a very impressive list of roles in Video Games, Anime, and Movies. At just 37 years of age, his best performances may be yet to come. Check out all his roles at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troy_Baker
About Batman: Arkham Origins.
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