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Myst III: Exile

Myst III: Exile

Myst III: Exile

This latest walkthrough for Myst III: Exile also includes Easter Eggs for those who want to dig deeper!


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Easter Eggs

Egg 1
Next to Saavedro’s hammock near the scales inside the main tusk in J’nanin, if you hold down the tilde key (~) and zoom in, you’ll find a PEZ dispenser. The initials MEB are on it. These stand for Mike Brown (Exile’s lead animator), who has a great collection of PEZ dispensers.

Egg 2
1. Go to Edanna, the age with all the plants. 
2. Go to the part near the bottom just before the two big blue onion-looking flowers. Go to the part with the stone steps just below the bouncing leaf elevator. 
3. Turn right and you’ll see a moth on the stone steps. 
4. Do NOT touch the moth. If you do it will fly away. Press the tilde key(~) then click on the moth. 
5. You should see faces of two cats on the moth’s wings that belong to the lady who designed most of Edanna.

Egg 3
1) Hold the ~ key and click the picture of Katran and Yeesha on Atrus’ desk in Tomahana. It reveals the actors that play them in the game.

2) After Saavedro does his “atrus is that you? not yet old friend” speech, zoom out from the window, hold the ~ key, and zoom in. You may need to do this a few times for it to work. It shows Brad Dourif checking his watch.

3)On Edana, take the JumpingDragon down to the lower “onion” level, and look on the side of the steps leading to the Dragon. There is a moth. Hold ~ and click it. It reveals the cats that one of the texture people (i think) sneak into all Presto games.

4)When Saavedro steals the book, and locks himself in the main horn, go up to the door he locked, and zoom in on it’s windows with the ~ key held. It shows Bard Dourif having a headache or something.

5) The PEZ machine, make sure you click to the bottom left of the hammock, and you are on the Elevator side of it.

Egg 4
This is the final egg in Myst III:Exile. Follow these instructions carefully.

1. Start a new game and go into Atrus’ study.

2. Click on everything in the room that looks similar to a pepper shaker. You must do this or the egg won’t work.

3. Link to J’nanin.

4. Use the light reflectors and reflect the light over to the green and red reflectors.

5. Go over across the island to the green and red reflectors. Turn the green reflector so the light reflects to the red one. Go up the stone steps to the red reflector. Stay here, and don’t move forward yet.

6. The red reflector reflects the light in two different directions. Over to the yellow reflector, and onto a a big rock that’s right in front of it (you should be facing this rock right now).

7. Reflect the light onto the rock. Hold down the tilde key (~) and click forward once (toward the rock).

8. If you did all of the steps correctly, you will see a projection of the face of a cat named Pepper. He belongs to one of the programmers. Good luck.


Myst III: Exile – Walkthrough by Allia – v1.1 final

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Revision History
III. Walkthrough
A. “Tomahna”
B. “J’nanin”
C. “Voltaic”
D. “Amateria”
E. “Edanna”
F. “Narayan”

I. Introduction

This is my first attempt at a walkthrough. Unfortunately I didn’t have the time
to do subtle hints first, then detailed hints later. It’s all detailed. Insert
disclaimer here about not responsible for typos, errors, or ommissions. yada
yada yada. Originally it was just for a friend, but I’ve found so
useful in the past I thought I would give something back.

As with previous Myst games, hints can be found by relating sounds, shapes,
colors, and sequences.

About the interface, you have an almost totally free range of vision when you
move the mouse around. If you want to make your view stationary and move the
hand icon independantly of your view, click the right mouse button once. You
will need to do this to open the journals in your inventory below. Right-click
again to resume free-look mode.

II. Revision History

v1.0 – 05.08.01 – Complete through introduction age, Tomahna, and first real
age, J’nanin.

v1.1 – 05.10.01 – All ages complete to end of game. Minor spelling and name

III. Walkthrough

A. “Tomahna”

Just listen to Cathrine chatter about Atrus then head forward into the study.

You can browse around Atrus’ desk on the right. Read the letter there about
“Nara padlocks”. The linking book behind his desk is not functional.

On the other side of the room is the Releeshahn book in a glass sphere. Walk
over to it, inspect it, and Atrus will walk into the room. He will hand you a
journal of notes.

Meet the freak, Saavedro. He will chuck a molotov cocktail type sphere at Atrus
and make off with the Releeshahn book. Follow him with the linking book he
leaves behind.

B. “J’nanin”

When you first enter this age, you’ll see Saavedro escaping around a corner. No
use chasing him. He’s locked himself in the tower in the middle of the island.

Survey devices:
Each device has a colored gem on top and 3 view portals. You can rotate them by
clicking below the portal area. Connect the dots, lalalala!

From the red survey device at the start, go left down the ladder and continue
“west” to the yellow survey device. Look to the left of it for another device.
Rotate the handle on this new device until the opening shines light. You want
to connect the survey devices with the beam of light starting from the first
yellow one. It connects around the island in a counter-clockwise direction.
Yellow, blue, green, red, another yellow, purple, and another red.

This will bring the light to a device pointed at a door and emit a rainbow
spectrum. This we’ll call the Rainbow Door as it will be referenced later.

Spore Bridge:
On the north side of the island, go down a spiraling walkway. Enter a
stained-glass building. Use a lever on the wall to open the iron grating. Next
room, push button on left to open door to the freak’s room on the right. Ignore
the freak’s room for now. Continue forward and exit the other side of the
stained-glass building.

Outside, go to the left. Touch the plant on the right. Push the top of the
plant on the left and a creature will emerge and feed off the plant to the
right. Notice how the plant reacts when the creature chirps.

Go back to the path intersection and continue forward to a ladder. Halfway up,
get off to the left. “Tune” the huge plant here in the direction of the little
creature until you can hear it the loudest. This will make the spores on the
wall here swell up.

Continue up the ladder to find the bridge the spores made.

Freak’s Room:
Go back to the stained-glass building. Enter the freak’s room via the middle
path inside. Get the journal on the hammock. Notice the drawings of gears at
the end of the journal.

Walk behind the red elevator. Get inside and pull the lever on the right side.
Take a ride up and get and earful from the freak. Press the green button to go
back down. Get out of the elevator and pull the lever on the right side of it
while standing outside. Crawl into the hole where the elevator was.

Move the 4 gears on each side into the positions shown in the journal. The
first ahead, set the left weight all the way down. The middle and right weights
half way down.

Turn right. Set 2 of this gear’s points with the coiled end pointing out, one
pointing in. Rotate the gear by clicking in the upper middle area to access the
other 2 ends.

Turn right. Move the lever so it is touching the gear teeth on the bottom.

Turn right. Rotate the left gear until the missing tooth is lined up with the
gear on the right.

Climb out of the hole. Pull the lever to get the elevator back. Get into the
elevator and pull the lever. If you’ve set the gears correctly, the elevator
should turn 180 degrees before going up. This will let you open the door into
the freak’s inner lair.

Freak’s Inner Lair:
Go around and pick up the journal on the floor. This will add 2 pages at the
beginning of the freak’s journal you already have.

Push the blue button next to the imager. This will open the 3 portals around
the room. Watch the freak rudely interrupt Atrus’ speech and tease you about
“finding the symbols”.

Go to the first portal behind you. The object is to line up the image with it’s
identical image somewhere on the island. The left lever zooms in and out. The
right lever focuses. You can grab and drag the view in the middle. Each symbol
is on one of the giant tusks on the island in the dark windowed area. I’ll
refer to the symbols as the circle, bird, and rabbit (it’s probably a plant but
the Playboy Bunny profile came to mind first time I saw it.)

When you line up the symbol correctly, note the dots around each portal. Their
positions corresond to the dialing locks inside each tusk. I’ll call the
outer-most dot #1 and the inner-most dot #4 and reference their postion as they
would be on a compass.

Circle: #1-NNW, #2-ESE, #3-SSE, #4-W
Bird: #1-NNW, #2-WSW, #3-S, #4-SW
Rabbit: #1-SSW, #2-W, #3-S, #4-E

Circle Tusk:
The circle tusk is near the beginning of the Age at the first red survey
device. Go past the tusk and down the ladder to the right. The object here is
to use the two levers to tilt and roll the barrel back behind the ladder. Once
you succeed in doing this, don’t forget to leave the ladder straight so you can
climb down it.

Go up the ladder and down into the hole a few steps in front of you. Open the
door at the end of the walkway and head back to the two levers. Now you need to
tilt and roll the barrel to the other end to fill the hole inside the room.
Again, remember to leave the ladder straight after you succeed.

Go back up the ladder and down the hole again. Go into the room and postion the
dots as stated in the Freak’s Inner Lair section. Press the center button. Down
comes the linking book for the Amateria Age.

Bird Tusk:
The bird tusk is where you made the spore bridge. Again, follow the appropriate
dot pattern given in the Freak’s Inner Lair section. Press the center button.
Down comes the linking book for the Edanna Age.

Rabbit Tusk:
The rabbit tusk is at the Rainbow Door. Remember the sequence in which the
light hits each survey device and each survey devices color. Press the buttons
above the door in that order. Yellow, blue, green, red, another yellow, purple,
and another red. Again, follow the appropriate dot pattern given in the Freak’s
Inner Lair section. Press the center button. Down comes the linking book for
the Voltaic Age.

C. “Voltaic”

Here you will find a vault door in a stone building and a metal sphere
containing the linking book for J’nanin. From the start, turn around and follow
the path into the island. Once inside the rocks, find a path to the right.
Follow this to an intersection, picking up a few more pages of the freak’s
journal along the way. Ignore the door on the left. It can only be opened from
the other side.

Turn right down the blue path. Halfway, picture on right wall showing symbols
connected with dotted lines. Climb up ladder on left. Turn valve wheel to open
dam. Climb back down.

Turn left, go to end of corridor. Another vault door. Go down ladder to the
right. Press red button to open door. Walk through and crank handle. This jacks
up the hydrolic arm. Climb up and go back to the ladder leading to the dam. One
step towards airlock at end of corridor, look left. Click to extend turbine
fins. Now notice two symbols are now lit up on the wall.

You can now go back down the corridor and open the airlock. Climb down the
ladder inside, press the button on the imager to hear Saavedro talk about the
horrors Atrus’ sons put his people through. Turn around and go to the end of
this long hall.

It opens into a large room with a huge cylindar in the middle. This is where
power is directed throughout the island. But the power lines on the sides of it
need to be reconnected properly. Go down the ladder and inspect the wall of the
cylindar. Move the upper row twice to the right. Move the middle row once to
the right. Move the bottom row five times to the right. Find some more journal
pages on the other side of the cylindar.

Head back all the way outside to the long path where you started this age.

Follow the long path into the island. Ignore the elevator on the right and
continue to the end of the path, go down the ladder. See huge airship on the
left and huge gear on the right. Follow through the doorway.

Lever on floor, gauge, 4 wheels. Wheels turn right on, left off. 4th wheel
won’t turn.

Behind the wall where the lever is, valve wheel that won’t stay open.

Climb up ladder next to this wheel. Get more pages for Saaderov’s journal.
Click on the protruding sphere on the wall. It will rotate to reveal a new
path. Go through and across a long, spine-like walkway.

At the end is another sphere. Click to open the hatch. Walk inside. 3 steps
forward there is a hatch in the floor. Click to open it. Climb down.

Ahead is the door that you could not open from the other side. Behind is a
cylindar with a red lever on the bottom right. Grab and move this lever upwards
to move a gear on far back wall. This will clear the lava from the room below

Climb down the ladder and press the button to open the door to the lava room.
Inside, move the lever down once, then left, then down again. Go forward and
press the button. Go back to the controls. Move the lever up, to the right,
then up again. Exit the room and go back up the ladder. Move the lever down so
that the lava rises again.

Head back up, across the spine-walkway, and down to the valve wheels near the

Close all three valves here. Pull the lever to your left forward. This will
raise you up one level. Close three of the valves so the needle gets in the
red zone. Now pull the lever forward again, taking you to the top level. close
one of the valves, then pull the lever backward, taking you back to the second
level. Open one of the valves you previously closed. Pull the lever backward to
take you to the first level. Open the far left three valves (you cant turn the
right one, and don’t need to), which should bring the needle right onto the red
line. Go to where the ladder on the left is, and turn the valve wheel there to
fill the airship.

Now head back up the ladder and over to the elevator we ignored the first time.
Head down and pull the lever and the end of the walkway. This will open the
iris shutter and allow the airship through.

Hop inside the airship, make sure your seat is in the upright and locked
position, your food tray is secured, and pull the lever on the dashboard. Thank
you for flying Atrus Airlines.

At the end of the line, get off to the left, pull the lever at the end of the
path. Get back into the airship, pull the lever on the dashboard again.

Get off to the right, open the vault door. Climb down, turn the valve on the
floor. Receive the symbol of Voltaic. Open the green shutters to reveal the
linking book for J’nanin. Head back and place the symbol on the imager.

D. “Amateria”

Go straight ahead from the start. You’ll pass the J’nanin linking book on the
right. Go all the way to the end, down a flight of stone steps. At an
intersection, turn right and go up the red elevator. You’ll find some journal
pages behind you. Go back down, turn right and continue down the path.

You’ll come to a radiant green pool. Enter the hut on the other side. Put 2
brown parts and 1 black part from the bench onto the sphere. Go back out to the
set of controls. Pull the lever on the far left to raise yourself up. Slide the
top lever so the gear on the hut moves to the far left. Pull the lever on the
right. A ball will roll across the hut and continue out of sight. The control
panel will close and you will see a vision of the rails near the start of the
level. Note the pattern of hexagons on the control panel lid.

Pull the lever on the left to lower yourself down and head all the way back to
the start.

Continue past the start point, through the giant crystals, until you come to
another house. Halfway around the house, turn right into an opening between the
stone columns. Go through the gate and grab the journal pages on the right.

Pull the left lever at the controls to raise yourself up. On the left dial,
place a peg in the upper hole and upper right hole. On the right dial, place a
peg in the upper left hole. Press the lever below the dials.

After the control panel closes, lower yourself back down and head back out to
the house.

Turn right and continue around the house to a series of curving walkways with
shimmering portals. Next to each portal on a post is a dial, which looks
something like this:

A ^ C


Walk to the center hut, then towards the house. Climb down to the right, walk
into a cave, past a painting. Climb up the ladder to the left. Go to the
control panel, pick up the journal pages on the ground to the right, pull the
lever on the left to raise yourself up. This will give you a view of the
curving walkways and shimmering portals, which are diagramed below.

2 4

1 0 5

0 is the junction where all the walkways intersect. Set each portal dial as

1-B, 2-D, 3-A, 4-C, 5-E

Then back at the control panel, raise yourself up and pull the other lever to
release a ball.

Pull the left lever to lower yourself back down. Go back to the ladder and
down, head back to the start of the age.

To get to the end of this age, you need to input the hexagon patterns into the
panels at the start of the age. They are as follows:

X = pressed






Open the hatch and enter the house. Go up the stairs, click on the chair, have
a seat. Watch Saavedro rage on the imager. Pull the ejection handle above your

On this control panel, numbering the circles as follows:

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

press these in this order: 2, 3, 5, 5, 7, 8, 9. Turn around, press the blue
button on the ceiling. Be the ball. Nananananana!

You get the symbol for Amateria, step down and use the J’nanin linking book.
Place the symbol on the imager.

E. “Edanna”

Head down the path into the tree. Walk up the spiraled stem. Walk towards the
opening in the tree with the view of the ocean. A bird will come flying in and
land in its nest. Continue down the path to its end.

Press the button next to the palm fronds on the right. They will move to reveal
the J’nanin linking book. This will also allow the sun to shine on the plant
behind you. Go to this plant and aim it at the sphere to the right of the
spiraled stem. It will explode and water the stem. Go back to the stem and walk
down it.

Turn right and go down the angled path past the stingray creature. Down
further, press the button on the plant to the right. This will suck the
stingray down into the plant. Pick up some pages on the left and continue down
the path.

At the bottom, turn right and cross the bridge. At the end of the path, pull
the vine to make a bridge. Grab the blue vine on the bridge. Turn around and
click to swing up onto the ledge with the white dome. Crank the dome up in the
air, click the pink fruit bush to shake a piece free. Click the fruit when it’s
on the ground to roll it out from under the dome’s landing area. Walk past the
crank to slide back down. Go back to the dome trap. Pull the handle on the side
of the ledge to drop the trap. It will miss the creature, making it run off.
During its escape, its noises will cause the spores in the first bridge to
explode and collapse it. Grab the blue vine again and swing through the void
where bridge once crossed.***************

Head down to the bottom of this path. You’ll find the bird trapped in a plant
on the left. Turn right and head outside. This will curve around to the left,
back into the tree. Click the plant near the painting on the wall to bring the
stingray down into it.

Follow path to the right from the painting. Go to the lily flower at the very
end. Aim it at the far left lily flower. Go to this other flower and aim it at
the leaf bridge on the left to extend it. Go back to the painting and follow
the left path down this time.

Find another plant on the right near the bottom. Click it to bring the stingray
down to here. Continue around this plant and across the leaf bridge. You’ll
find a sunflower plant aimed at the plant with the stingray. Go to the lily
flower above and aim it at the sunflower.

Go all the way back to the first lily flower you aimed. Aim it at the lily
flower just to the right of the currently targeted one. The plant holding the
stingray will explode and free the bird. Re-target the far left lily before
leaving here.

Head back up towards the sunflower (not lily) that just destroyed the plant. 2
steps before reaching the ledge where the sunflower is, turn left and head into
the darkness there. This was the hardest path to find in this age.

At the bottom, look for your hand icon to change to a vine icon when you pass
it over the open sky area to your left. Click to drop down a level in the tree.
Go down this new path to a large blue plant.

Follow this path to the end where a lily flower is. Aim it at the top of the
blue plant. Go back down and turn right towards the plant with flies buzzing
around it. Go to the right of this plant, click the plant at the end of the
path to make it cover the sunshine. Go back around the opposite side of the
plant all the way to its base. Click the pod on the ground.

Enter the blue vine behind you. Pick up the journal pages and continue to the
end. Inside the plant, turn around and touch the blue stem in the middle. Take
flight to the nest.

Click on the open space where you see the spiraled stem in the distance to
slide down and obtain the symbol for this age. Go forward and return via the
J’nanin linking book. Place the symbol on the imager.

F. “Narayan”

Welcome to Saavedro’s home world. Notice the symbols on the walls to your

Go forward and right up the stairs. Meet Saavedro face to face. Flip the switch
on the right after he leaves to turn on the power. Go back downstairs. Turn the
handle between the two spheres so its facing the left one. Click on the left
sphere to open it.

You need to create symbols by clicking on the individual lines in this puzzle.
Atrus’ journal has the following set of words in bold.

energy powers future motion put in top set of circles
dynamic forces spur change put in bottom right set
nature encourages mutual dependance put in bottom left set

These need to be created according to the symbols that represent each word on
the walls. Create them starting with the first word in the top circle and
continue in a clockwise direction. When you complete a set of four words
correctly, they will all change white.

When all 3 sets are complete, go through the door where the forcefield
disappeared. Go down the stairs and find the symbols for the following set of

balanced systems stimulate civilizations

Take the Tomahna linking book on the left, but don’t use it. Upstairs, turn the
handle between the two spheres so its facing the right one. Create the new set
of symbols. The outer forcefield disappears.

Saavedro will come downstairs and ponder the current situation. He goes outside
and offers you Releeshahn in exchange for turning the handle between the
spheres. Instead, go upstairs and turn off the power. Back downstairs, talk to
Saavedro through the gate and he will give you Releeshahn. Turn the handle
between the spheres and restore the power upstairs. Saavedro rides off into the
sunset. Now use the Tomahna linking book to return to Atrus and Catherine. Game

Note: If you want to see some of the alternate bad endings, just deviate from
the last outlined paragraph by like using the Tomahna linking book early or
switching the forcefield handle before getting Releeshahn.

==================== This document Copyright 2001 Allia ====================
If you’re gonna share this on any other sites, just give credit where credit is
due by leaving this statement in.

Al Giovetti

Al Giovetti

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