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Atlantis II

Atlantis II

Guide Ten, the Bearer of Light to Shambhala to confront the Bearer of Dark, with the help of this walkthrough!


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Atlantis II

By Bert Jamin 
Games Over

This walkthrough is the exclusive property of Bert Jamin and is used here with permission. The original of this walkthrough may be found at Games Over, along with a lot of other great stuffplease be sure to visit.


What to say about Atlantis II? The game really is exciting from the beginning until the end. There is absolutely no part where you will get bored. It all looks great, and the music contributes to it all very well. I think we just had to wait too long for such a great adventure! It’s one of those few games you will never want to dispose of. Simply because you just want to play another time again! In short: an absolute must for every adventurer. So my advice: hurry to the shop and buy it!

Isn’t there anything at all to complain about? Well, to be honest, yes. I do have three minor complaints. In the first place, it’s a little bit annoying that you have to keep on changing CDs. It gives you the real DJ feeling sometimes. In the second place, the way of saving games isn’t quiet logical. The images of the saved games are all the same in the different levels. So when you want to restore a saved game you just have to guess which is the right one. In the third place, there is no way to lip-sync. A game like this just deserves better! Finally, I think that the end of the game and the part about Atlantis is way too short. Searching a crystal, which even a blind man can see from a distance, and killing the octopus with it is all there is in Atlantis. So, this part will be over in about five minutes!

Very Important

Later in the game you have to click on six curtains in the right order to be able to go to Shambhala. If you follow the walkthrough exactly from the beginning and in the same order, you have to click on the curtains in the order I am telling you. However, if you played the game in a different order, you may have to click on the curtains in a different order to be able to go to Shambhala.

The patterns on the six curtains are the same as the patterns on the six different triangular stones you place into the planetarium. The order in which you placed these stones is the same as the order in which you have to click on these curtains. So write down the order in which you place each triangular stone into the planetarium and make a drawing of the pattern that is on each and every stone because that order will be essential later in the game. (Thanks, Mr. Bill.)


Look around. You are surrounded by a cold chilly landscape. Walk towards the vessel that’s lying out there somewhere. Enter the vessel and go down the hatch. Turn around and pick up the triangular piece of stone from the wooden barrel.

Turn to your left and enter the next room. Turn to your right and speak with the man who is sitting down on the floor. Ask him about everything you can. He will give you a crystal ball. No need to say that you have to take it! Turn to the left and pick up the next piece of stone, which is lying beneath the desk.

Turn to the right and walk to the device that looks like a planetarium. Standing in front of it, first turn to the right and pick up the third piece of stone that is lying beneath the hammock. Now stand in front of the planetarium. Place the second triangular stone at the bottom of the ring of the planetarium.


The first stone at the right spot …


Now you will be teleported to Ireland. Ask the old father about the poor monk Finbar. Leave through the doorway at your left. Turn to the right and walk outside. Walk straight down the path. At the end of the path turn to the left and try to have some conversation with monk Finbar.

It seems that things aren’t going too well with him for the moment! Go back into the chapel. At the porch of the chapel, turn to your left and take a look at the crying statue at the wall. Now walk to the old father. Ask him about monk Finbar first and the ask him about the crying statue at the wall in the porch of the chapel. After finishing your conversation, take a look at the book at the right of the holy father.

Take a pencil out of the container above the book. Zoom in at the open book and try to right something on the right page with your pencil. By doing this you will end up in … the book!

Talk to the standing man in blue (Dian). Ask him about everything and everybody. Then walk towards the king who is sitting on his throne. Ask him about all you can. Walk back to Dian and stand in front of him. Then turn to the right and walk straight ahead and exit the book.


Exit the book …

Go through the doorway and enter the room with the altar. Walk to the doorway out and stand still. At the right of the doorway you will see a bookcase. Pick up the piece of skull out of the case. Walk outside and go to poor Finbar. At the fork over there, go to the left. Walk between the two poles into the hayfield. Pick up the hay fork.

Exit the hayfield, turn to the right and keep on walking straight ahead until you reach the beehive. Take the second piece of skull out of the second beehive on the right. Turn to the left and continue walking straight ahead until you reach the fox in his cave. Poke him with your hands or with your fork until he leaves his cave. Then keep on walking straight ahead again until you meet the flock of sheep. Between the big boulders, you’ll find the third piece of skull.

Walk back to the chapel. This time don’t go inside, but walk towards the three cottages at the left of it. From the first cottage, pick up the black cup. Walk to the well and pick up the fourth piece of skull what is lying at the ground, near the chicken.

The piece of skull behind the chicken …

If it isn’t there, you didn’t drive out the fox, as I told you before! Enter the left part of the garden. Over there you will see a ladder standing against the wall. Climb it.

Look down the hole in the roof. Examine the big cross below. On top of it you will see another piece of skull. Use your hay fork to shuffle it down the big cross. Climb down and enter the chapel. Enter the room with the big cross. Pick up the fifth piece of skull from the floor.

Go outside again and walk to monk Finbar. At the fork, go to the right this time. Head for the square cottage you see in the distance. Enter the cottage and walk in front of the broken skull. Fix the skull using the five pieces you found on your trip outside.


Almost finished the job …

Walk back to the entrance of the chapel. This time don’t go inside, but facing the front door, turn to the right and walk around the chapel. Turn to the left and you’ll see a fishbone-like drawing at the wall of the chapel and a circular drawing.

Enter the chapel and fill your black cup with tears of the crying statue. Exit the chapel and walk to the old father who is sitting outside. Ask him about the remarkable drawings on the wall. He will give you a key.

With that key open the box that is standing on the floor of the cottage to the right of the holy father. Pick up the knife and the piece of parchment. Speak to the holy father once again and ask him about the piece of parchment. Show him the parchment and click on the images of the trees.

Walk back to the square cottage where you transformed the skull into Ailill. Give him some water out of your black cup. When he asks for it, give him the knife. After that ask him about the white horse and about himself.

Go back to the chapel and stand in front of the wall with the drawings. When you have a closer look, you will see three sets of marks. An upper set, a center set and a lower set. By clicking on the right or the left side with you knife, you can change the position of the marks. Clicking on the center of a mark makes it disappear. Transform the drawing like this:

Click 2 times on the left of the upper set. Then remove from bottom up the 3 lowest marks by clicking on the center of them.

Click 1 time on the right of the center set so that all 5 are pointing up to the left.

Remove all the marks of the lower set by clicking from bottom up on the center of them.

After that, click with your knife on the circular drawing. Now the wall lowers and you can pick up the stick.


It should look this way after finishing …

Walk to the cottage of Ailill. Standing in front of it, go to the right. Then turn to the left and walk to the pillar with the figure of the horse. Use your stick and hit the pillar to set the horse free.

Now the horse takes off. The only thing you have to do now is catching the running horse … The easiest way to do this is to turn to the right and do one step forward. Then turn to the left and go past Aillil’s cottage. Then go forward one more time and wait for the horse. When it approaches you, just keep on standing still. You are blocking its way. When the horse has stopped in front of you, simply pick it up …


Now just pick up the animal …

Go to the left and walk to the narrow beach. Walk to the part with the poles sticking out of the water. Place the horse into the water. When the real horse comes alive, climb it.

Arriving on the deserted island, walk to the tree with the birdman sitting in it. Talk to him. The only thing he is doing right now is chirping. Ask him about himself. Try to learn the sounds of the different birds.

Ask him about the white horse and after that about Aillil. The purpose is to chirp along with the birdman by clicking the right bird. I can’t give you the right order, because the tunes of the birdman as well as the tunes of the different birds are changing all the time!

A few tips: when you chirp the wrong song, the birdman answers with an angry tune, consisting of three sounds. When you chirp the correct song, he answers with a little bit friendlier tune, consisting of two sounds. When the birdman is chirping his song, you better move your cursor to the side of your screen. Then after finishing his song, you better touch one of the birds just shortly. So you will hear the corresponding tune of the bird just once. If you hold your cursor on the birds, the tune will be played uninterrupted and believe me, that will drive you nuts! Knowing all this, first ask the birdman about himself. Keep on doing that until he lets you know (by reacting with his two-sounds tune) that you have given the correct answer. After that, do the same with the question about the white horse and Aillil. So what more can I say? Have fun, keep on smiling, good luck and God bless you …

As soon as you have chirped the right songs, he will jump out of the tree. Question him about the glass tower. According to his answers, it should be somewhere below surface. To help you on your search to the glass tower, he gives you a divining-rod. Walk to the open area between the two bent walls. Stick the divining-rod into the ground at the right spot.


Here it is …

When you placed the stick at the right spot, the ground starts shaking. After that, a well appears! Enter the well and swim all the way down. A big electric eel blocks your way, so with the glass tower in view, you can’t get deep enough! Swim all the way up to the surface and walk to the birdman. Question him about all you can. Walk back to your horse and climb it.

Enter the chapel again and take place in front of the big open book. Pull your pen and draw something on the man in the red garb, who is standing to the right of the right pillar. By doing so, a drawing of a sword appears. After that, draw something on the right pillar to enter the book.


Look at the sword

Walk to the standing man in the blue dress (Dian) and ask him about his daughter Airmid, who is changed into a statue. Then walk to the king who is sitting on his throne. Talk to him and pick up the sword. Exit the book and walk once more to the cottage of Aillil. Talk to him and ask him about Airmid.

Go back to the chapel. Walk to the holy father, who is still sitting in the garden. Talk to him and question him about the sun. He will give you a mysterious cross. Enter the chapel and stand in front of the big tapestry. Place the cross at the right of the church tower in the sky.

Turn to the right and meet the newly awakened Aine. Question her about everything you can. After she tells you that all your wishes have come true, walk to the open book once more. Again draw something on the right pillar. In the book, walk to Airmid and see that she is no longer a statue …

Question her about everything you can and exit the book again. Now draw something on the left dark brown statue. A salmon appears into her hands. Enter the book again and talk to Airmid again. She gives you a amulet that makes it possible to stay below surface longer. Maybe now you can defeat the electric eel!

Exit the book and walk to your horse. Climb it for another ride to Birdsisland. Back on Birdsisland, enter the well again. Swim all the way down and use the amulet to defeat the eel. When the eel has left, swim down to the bottom of the well and pick up the crystal.


Finishing off the eel

 Go back to the chapel and enter the big book for the last time. Walk to the standing man in blue and give him the crystal. Pull your sword and chip the crystal into smithereens. Pick up the silver hand and walk to the king on his throne. Hand over the silver hand and the sword. Exit the book and exit the chapel and head for … Maya!


Question the old wise man about everything again. Place the first triangular stone at the second tip below to the left. Now you will be teleported to the land of the Mayas.


The second stone at the right spot

Walk forward and climb the stairs of the pyramid. Up there, turn to the right and walk toward the obelisk that is standing there. Take the obsidian foot near the bottom out of it. Enter the pyramid by going down the rectangular opening.

Examine every room down there to get some valuable hints about the puzzles you have to solve in a few moments. When you meet this Maya guy, talk to him for some additional hints. Go back up by using the stairs and walk outside. Climb down the stairs to leave this pyramid. Walk to the pyramid at the opposite side and climb up the stairs. Talk to both men which are standing there. Question them about all you can.


Nice guys

Walk to the left and go through the doorway at the right. Talk to the priestess and question her about everything you can. Take the clean bandages from her. Enter the room to the right, which seems to be the residence of the king. Question him about everything. Hand over the clean bandages. Then question his daughter and the medicine-man. Exit this room and on your way out, take the dirty bandages.

Back in the room of the priestess, give her the dirty bandages. Question her about them. When she asks you if you are ready to go, choose the thumb-up. Now you will be teleported to the Realm of the Dead. Question the bat about everything. He tells you that you need some items to enter the Realm of the Dead. As far as you can remember, you know that you can find these items in the Land of the Mayas, don’t you? Click on the pedestal of the bat to go back to the Mayas.

Leave the room of the priestess and climb down the pyramid. Walk to the other pyramid and climb up the stairs all the way up. Examine the big rectangular stone and watch the place of the different stars.


It’s the constellation of?

Go down the rectangular opening. Down there, go to the left one times, once to the right and once forward. When you have done this the right way, you should be in front of the Jaguar Puzzle. This is the way to solve that puzzle:

Take 4 black balls out of the tray to the left and place them at the lowest row of holes.

Take 1 stick out of the tray to the right and place that across the 4 black balls. Then place the 4 balls into the row above the stick.


The solved Jaguar puzzle

Turn to the right and go forward once. Turn to the left and talk to the Maya guy. Descend to the second level. Go to the right and solve the Snake Puzzle:

Take 4 balls and place them into the lowest row of holes of the second tableau from bottom up. Place 1 ball into the lowest row of holes of the lowest tableau.


The solved Snake puzzle


Walk around until you find the next Maya guy standing near the next stairway down. Talk to him and he will let you down to the third level. Walk straight ahead until you are standing in front of a closed door. Turn to the left and push the switch at the wall. Enter the opened room. Stand in front of the statue of the crocodile. Now solve the Crocodile Puzzle:

Take 1 ball and place it into the middle of the lowest row of holes of the lowest tableau. Take 1 stick and place it across the lowest row of holes of the second tableau from bottom up. Take 3 balls and place them into the second row of holes from bottom up of the second tableau from bottom up.

Place 3 sticks across the lowest three rows of holes of the second tableau from top down. Take 1 ball and place it into the middle of the upper row of holes of the second tableau from top down. Pick up the obsidian foot from the mouth of the crocodile. 

Walk to the wall at your left and place the two obsidian feet into the square holes in the wall. A secret door opens … Take both of the obsidian feet out of the wall. If you don’t do this, you have to come back later to pick them up.

Go back to the other pyramid and talk to the priestess again. After finishing your conversation, click on the bat to the right of her. You will be teleported to the Realm of the Dead. Question the bat and ask him about the Rainbow Bridge. Turn to the left and walk to the glade in the jungle. Take a close look at the miniature jungle on the ground.

Now you’ll see the Rainbow bridge puzzle. The intention is that the tiny little man walks through the miniature jungle. While he is walking, the Rainbow bridge jungle will be shaped bit by bit. That means, if you have placed all the pieces at the right spot! The jungle is divided into 9 pieces (3 columns and 3 rows).

Number the horizontal rows 1, 2 and 3 from top to bottom. Call the vertical columns A, B and C from left to right. The solution is:

  • Move A1 to A2
  • Move B2 to A1 and turn it 3 quarter strokes with your right mouse button
  • Move C1 to B1
  • Move B3 to C1 and turn it 1 quarter stroke with your right mouse button
  • Move C2 to C3 and turn it 3 quarter strokes with your right mouse button
  • Turn C2 2 quarter strokes with your right mouse button
  • Turn B3 2 quarter strokes with your right mouse button
  • Turn B2 1 quarter stroke with your right mouse button.

Click on the tiny little man at the bottom of the playing field. Watch him running, jumping and flying through the whole jungle and how the Rainbow bridge will be build up in the meantime …


The solved Rainbow Bridge puzzle

When the little man has fulfilled his journey through the jungle, you’ll end up in the real jungle! Turn around and walk between the two trees into the direction of the big mushroom in the distance. Walk straight ahead. At the first splitting go to the right into the direction of the bush with the red berries. When you arrive at that bush, turn to the left and pick up your first star.

Now you have to search the whole jungle until you have found six other stars. So you must collect seven stars in all. When you have all seven, go to the glade in the jungle where you can find a statue at the right side and a big rectangular stone in the middle. Place the obsidian foot into the square hole at the bottom of the statue. Walk towards the big rectangular stone and place the seven stars in the right order, as you have seen on the comparable on top of the pyramid.


The constellation of?

When you’ve placed the stars in the right order, at the left side of the glade a hidden statue appears. Walk towards the statue. Place the other obsidian foot into the square hole at the bottom of the statue and question the Leopard about everything. When the statue changes into a snake, question him about everything also. He asks you to find two skulls for him. He tells you that these skulls are the remains of what ever have been gods. The only reassuring remark of the snake is that these skulls are guarded very well …

At the end of the conversation he gives you a feather. Walk to your canoe and board it. Sail to the left and go straight ahead 6 strokes. There you will arrive at a dark part of the river bank. Go ashore and keep on following the path until you reach the two big trees with the spider web in between.

Climb up the right tree and you will end up at the border of the web. Walk around the border until you are standing at the left side of the broken part of the web. Walk one step into the direction of the spider. Then turn around and return to the border of the web. Then quickly walk to the right, passed the broken part of the web. Then walk quickly to the center of the web and pick up the caterpillar. Hurry to the border of the web and climb out of the web. If you don’t do this all quickly enough, the spider will get you and you’ll have to start all over!


Gotcha …

Climb into the web for the second time. Walk around the border until you are at the left of the broken part again. Walk one step into the direction of the spider. Turn around and walk to the border of the web. Walk passed the broken part and now to your big surprise you will a second spider. Now you have to deal with two of these monsters! Walk one step to the center of the web. Then turn a quarter stroke to the right and make one step forward. Turn another quarter stroke to the right and hurry to the border of the web.

Keep on walking over the border until you are passed the broken part again. Look behind you and you will see that one spider is right behind you on the border and that the other one just heads into the direction of the border. Make another step forward and look behind you once more. You will see that both spiders are chasing you on the border of the web. Now hurry to the center of the web and pick up the butterfly and keep on walking to the border of the web and climb out of it. When you get caught by the spiders, you just haven’t been quickly enough …


Both spiders on the border …

Now that you have the caterpillar and the butterfly, head back to your canoe. Sail the river until you reach the part where you can go ashore near the two bushes. Walk straight ahead until you meet the big frog. Give him the caterpillar and the butterfly. In return he will give you some real hot information. Head back to the canoe and return to the part of the jungle with the web.

Enter the web one more time. Now Spider Mama is waiting for you. Ain’t she big … Walk around the border until you are standing left of the broken part. From that spot, place your feather into the crossing on the right of the broken part.


After placing the green feather, it changes into an orange dot …

Walk towards what’s left over of the feather and return to the same spot immediately. Hurry to the center of the web and pick up the sword. Turn around and hid Mama Spider with the sword. Now hurry to the center and pick up the two skulls. Keep on running to leave the web again …

Head back for the canoe and return to the spot with the Snake Statue. Hand over the two skulls.

Head back for your canoe again and go to the bat one more time. Question him about the Chulel. The click on its pedestal to return to the Land of the Mayas. Enter the residence of the king and give him the Chulel …

Once you are back on your own vessel, walk to the planetarium and prepare to go to … China!


Place your left-most piece of stone on the next tip of the planetarium and you will be teleported to … China.


The right stones at the right spot …

Walk down the stairs in front of you. Get the drumstick that is waiting for you near the gong. Walk towards gateway in the wall that is surrounding the complex. It seems that no one can get out or in. A big shadow is blocking the gateway.

Walk to the right and question the old wise man who is standing to the left of the building. Ask him about everything you can. Climb the stairs in front of the building, but don’t go in yet. When you are standing in front of the front door, turn to the right and walk around the corner. Make one step forward and turn to the left. Question the Chinese man and ask him about everything you can.


Sneaky, sneaky …

Head back to the front door and enter the building. Enter the first room at the left side of the corridor. Question the man sitting behind the desk. Enter the corridor again, go to the left and enter the last room at the left side. Question the man who is sitting on the floor. Keep on talking to him until he starts repeating himself.

Go back to the man who is sitting behind the desk. Question him about the strange man in the other room. Go outside and speak to the old wise man once again. After asking him some questions, he will invite you to the Dragon Room.

Go back inside the building and enter the last room at the right side of the corridor. Speak to the old wise man who already is waiting for you. Stand behind the strange device in the middle of the room. Fooling around with the device, it appears that you can rotate the rim of the device. As the old man tells you, the red sign is the sign of the mountain, the yellow one means the pagoda, the green one the plain and the white one the river. Rotate it until the red sign is on top and the yellow sign to the right. After that, place the turtle in into the water.


The right position of the rim

Question the old wise man about the pattern on the floor. Turn to the left and make two steps towards the wall with the window. Turn a quarter stroke to the left and make one step forward. Turn a half stroke to the right. Now you should see the window at your left. When you look down, you will see that you are standing on the edge of the pattern on the floor.


You must start here!

Question the old wise man once again about the pattern. Then turn around until you see the wall with the window in it at your left and that you are standing parallel with that wall.

Make one step forward and question the other man one more time about the pattern. Turn a quarter stroke to the right and make one step forward.

When the old man finished speaking, turn another quarter stroke to the right and make one step forward.

Turn a quarter stroke to the left and make one step forward.

Turn a quarter stroke to the left and make one step forward.

Turn a quarter stroke to the left and make one step forward.

Turn a quarter stroke to the right and make one step forward.

Now the old wise man tells you to take the shortest way to the House of the Dragon. Make two steps towards the wall you are facing. Now a secret passage will appear. Go through this passage.


Open sesame …

Walk to the chest at the left side of the room. Take the magic stick out of it. Turn around and walk past the water to the opposite side of the room. There you will see four candles for smoking incense. Stand in between the candles and light them in the right order. The right order of the four candles is: red, green, purple and white.

Walk towards the water basin to end up outside. Walk down the path and at the end of it, turn to the left. Pick up the five statues and the money bag. Enter the building again. Step down from the ivory looking plate you are standing on.

Now place the statues in the right order on the ivory looking plate. The right order is: face the water basin. Place the statue with the chopper on the left image. Place the statue with the two buckets on the right image. Turn around a half stroke and face the dark brown wall. Place the statue with the walking-stick at the center near the wall. Place the statue with the hammer on the right image. Now place the last statue between the statue with the two buckets and the statue with the hammer. Turn around facing the water basin and place the money bag at the center.


Some statues at the right spot …

Now walk towards the water basin to get small again. When you placed the statue in the right order, they all have come alive. If some of the statues didn’t have come alive, you placed them at the wrong spot! Question all of them. It’s clear that they all just want what we all want to have, money! Pick up the money bag and give each person one coin.

Each of them will give you a dish in return. Walk towards the water basin to end up outside again. Walk down the path and head for the spot where you picked up the statues before. Stand in front of the wooden device. Attach the five dishes in the right order to the wooden device. The right order from left to the right is: the black dish with the mountains, the brown dish with the dots, the grey dish with the fish-bone like pattern, light brown wooden dish and the black dish with the dragons on it.

When you placed the dishes in the right order, the bridge at the right from you will lower a bit. To lower the bridge all the way down, the dishes have to be reordered once. This time the right order is: the grey dish with the fish-bone like pattern, the black dish with the dragons, the brown dish with the dots, the wooden dish and the black dish with the mountains.


The five dishes at the right spot …

Now the bridge lowers all the way. If not, you didn’t place the dishes in the right order! Walk towards the bridge and … cross it. That’s why you lowered it in the first place, isn’t it? Walk to the building at the end of the path. When you are standing in front of the golden door, move the arrow on the door so that it is pointing into the direction of the hunter instead of the fox. This really is very important!


The direction every arrow should be pointing at …

Enter the golden door and walk to the big dragon. Enter the dragon. Once you are in the dragon, turn to the left. Make one step forward and turn to the left at once. Now you are standing in front of white and blue panel at the wall of the dragon. The intention is that all of the slides at the lower part of the panel will in the upper position. This has to be done by clicking in the right order on the clouds at the upper part of the panel. The right order is: Click on the snake, click on the right cloud, click on the right cloud, click on the right cloud, click on the left cloud, click on the right cloud, click one more time on the left cloud. Now that all the slides are in the upper position, you can take out a pearl out of the hidden opening. So take it!


All slides up …

Turn a quarter stroke to the right and enter the cockpit of the dragon by passing the red curtains. Standing in the cockpit, turn around and put the pearl into the gold tray. Now you will fly of to a distant island. Walk towards the temple and try to enter the front door. I bet that you won’t succeed opening the door! Therefore go around the right corner of the temple. Return to the red front door at once and try to open it again.

Another failure! Go around the right corner of the temple once more and return to the front door once more. Try to open it for the third time. Another failure, but this time the high priest himself will appear! Question him about everything you can. Go around the corner of the temple and now enter the red side door.

Now you really end up in living hell! Question the guard who is standing at the right of the door. Take the blank form he is giving you. The only thing you have to do now is collect three stamps. When you hand him over the filled in form later, he will give you the mushroom the high priest wants from you. Believe me, that’s easier said than done!

Not only should it be exactly the right stamps, but they also have to be stamped in the right order! To know the right order of the stamps, you first have to wander around and find the Chinese girl. If you can’t find the Chinese girl at all, you didn’t point the arrow on the gold door into the direction of the hunter. So go back and do it! When you finally found her, talk to her. She appears to be a fox in real life. Because you pointed the arrow at the gold door into the direction of the hunter, you saved her and her puppies. In return for that noble act, she hands over a fan. On that fan you can find the stamps and the right order of the stamps you have to collect.


The hard-to-find Chinese girl

Now you “only” have to find the right persons with the right stamps … To make it all a little bit difficult, it’s not that simple that the character of a horse has the stamp of a horse. No way at all! I have played this part several times and the right order at my game was always the same. Don’t shoot me if it turns out to be different at your game!

Here we go:

1. Find the character with the big ears (he will give you the stamp of the horse)


Stamp number 1

2. The pig with the yellow coat (he will give you the stamp of the dragon)


Stamp number 2

3. The dogface with the blue/red robe (he will give you the orange stamp).


Stamp number 3

As I said before, I can’t guarantee that these are the right characters (or order) in every game. The best way is to save your game first and then try it out!

One more piece of advice: walking through hell, you will see some characters “hanging from the ceiling.” I think this is done to make it a little difficult … Somewhere in the brick wall you can find a kind of stairs. Walking these stairs result in turning all things up side down. You will see what I mean by that … One remark: good hunting!


The magic stairs …

After collecting the right stamps in the right order, go to the guard at the entrance of hell. Give him the filled in form. After he approved your form, he gives you that damned mushroom!

Go outside by passing through the red doors at the right of the guard. Walk towards the high priest and question him about all you can. Give him the mushroom. As promised he gives you a mysterious Chinese lantern …

Enter the dragon. Take off by removing and replacing the pearl out and into the tray again. When you arrive at China, get passed the golden doors and walk all the way to the temple. When you arrive in the room with the water basin, step off the ivory panel and walk towards the door. Leave the room of the Dragon. Once you are outside of the temple, you will place the Chinese lantern at the courtyard …


Goodbye Shadow!

Now you should prepare to go to … outer space!

Traveling Through Space

Walk towards the planetarium and click on the bottom stone. You will be teleported to Ireland. Leave the chapel and walk to the beach with your parked horse. Climb the horse and go back to Birdsisland. Walk towards the dead tree near the broken down wall. Position your crystal ball near the branches of the tree. When the lines are glowing red, click on it.


The right position …

Now you are making your first short trip through space. When you arrived behind the moon, travel back to the earth. Climb your horse and head back to the chapel. Enter the chapel and click on the tears of Aine, at the wall of the entrance of the chapel.

Back on your vessel, walk to the planetarium. Now click on the middle stone. This time you will be teleported to the Land of the Mayas. Walk towards the pyramid of the king. Stand in front of the stairway up. Position your crystal ball near the branches of the tree. As soon as the lines are glowing red, click on it.


The right position again …

Now you are making your second trip through space. Go back to the earth again. Walk towards the other pyramid. Climb up the stairs and click on the pot with the flames to head back to your vessel. Stand in front of the planetarium and now click on the upper stone. This time you will end up in China.

Enter the temple and enter the last room at the right of the corridor, the Room of the Dragon. Walk towards the wall with the window. Stand on the last but one line on the floor and walk straight ahead to the wall at the opposite side. When the wall opens, go through it.

Walk to the candlesticks. Step on the ivory plate with the little statues. Walk towards the water basin to end up outside. Walk until you are standing in front of the golden door. Position your crystal ball to the left of the doors. As soon as the red lines are glowing, click on it.


The right position again …

Now you are making your third trip trough space. Go back to the earth. Ending up near the golden doors, turn around and head back for the temple. Step down the ivory plate and walk towards the door. Go outside and enter the courtyard. Stand in front of the gong and hit it with your drumstick.

Back on your vessel, turn to the right and enter the front part. Climb up the stairs and turn around so you are facing the front part of your vessel. Position your crystal ball near the front part of the vessel. As soon as the red lines are glowing, click on it again.


The last right position …

Now you are in for a longer trip through space. During that trip, your crystal ball will be transformed into a flat, angular crystal. After arriving behind the moon, your first trip is to the bright enlightened planet.


Planet A

 When you stop at the big yellow planet, continue your trip by going further at the right side of this planet.

Planet B

Go to the next bright enlightened star. 


Planet C

 Turn to the left a little and go through the brown/green space mist.


Planet D

Go further to the yellow planet.


Planet E

 Go to the beige planet far away in the distance.


Planet F

Now take a look at your crystal ball. You will see that it is transformed. Go back to the earth. At your vessel, go downstairs and walk to the planetarium. Now place the three stone you have left at the right order on the other tips of the planetarium.

The right order is: the first stone on the upper tip, the second stone on the second tip, and the third stone on the last available tip.

Write down the order in which you have placed every stone and make a drawing of the pattern on each and every stone! You’re going to need it later … The first stone I have placed was the stone at the bottom of the planetarium. The next stones I placed clockwise from the left of this stone. Place the transformed crystal at the center of the stones.


Every stone at the right spot and the transformed crystal in between!

Now you are sinking through the bottom of the planetarium. All the way down, you will end up into a big lotus. When you get out of the lotus you are in room, surrounded by curtains. Now you have to click the right curtains in the right order. The drawings of these curtains must correspond with the drawings of the last three stones you just placed into the planetarium.

If you followed my walkthrough exactly from the beginning and in the same order, you have to click on the curtains in the next order:


Curtain number 1 (the same pattern as on the first stone you placed)


Curtain number 2 (the same pattern as on the second stone you placed)


Curtain number 3 (the same pattern as on the third stone you placed)


Curtain number 4 (the same pattern as on the fourth stone you placed)


Curtain number 5 (the same pattern as on the fifth stone you placed)


Curtain number 6 (the same pattern as on the last stone you placed)

Note: If you played the game in a different order, you have to click on these curtains in a different order to be able to go to Shambhala.

The pattern on the six curtains is the same as the pattern on the six triangular stones you placed into the planetarium. The order in which you placed these stones is the same as the order in which you have to click on these curtains. So write down the order in which you placed each triangular stone and make a drawing of the pattern that is on each and every stone. You have to click on the corresponding curtains.

Now you will be teleported to …


So off you go to … Shambhala.


Walk straight ahead and meet Rhea, the last queen of Atlantis. Quest her about everything you can. After the long-lasting conversation, turn around and walk back to where you came from. Now you are about to take the most peculiar journey in your life!

You are going to travel to all the places you have been before. The purpose is that you will collect a few items on your journey, 16 items total! I can’t tell you the exact order of the places you are going to visit. It is different all the time. And … it doesn’t matter. I do give you the list of items and where they can be found. One last tip: if you can go different directions, it’s the best to choose another direction every time you visit the place. Now the items and where they can be found:

 Black cup
Silver hand
Wooden dish
Green feather
Chinese lantern
 in pyramid
in temple in China
in hell
in Shambhala
in the book in Ireland
in jungle
at the Island near the hell
at the altar in Chapel in Ireland
near the frog in jungle
on board of the flying dragon
in cave on Ireland
in jungle near statues
in China at ivory plate near the statues
in chapel at Ireland near the big book
at Maya, in pyramid of the King
at Birdsisland

When you have all these items, keep on traveling until you arrive in the room with the small windows in the chapel in Ireland. Place your star into the window with the small statues.


And off you go to Atlantis!

Now you will be teleported to Atlantis. First you have to find the entrance of Atlantis. Walk around underwater until you see the entrance in the distance.


The entrance …

Walk straight ahead towards the entrance and pass through. When you are in Atlantis, make two steps to the right. Here you can find the crystal.


The crystal …

Turn to the left and walk straight and go straight ahead as soon as that is possible. Turn around until you can get passed to the right of the dark pillar. Walk straight ahead.


Walk straight ahead …

Turn around until you see these buildings with the circular paintings on the walls in the distance. Walk straight ahead.


And straight ahead again …

Turn around and face the octopus. Defeat it with your crystal. That isn’t quiet easy, because the crystal has to be recharged before you can use it. When it is recharged, you have to chop off the tentacles of the octopus.


Defeating the octopus …

After defeating the octopus, you will arrive at your own vessel again. Now you will receive the very last crystal from the old man. Walk towards the planetarium and place the crystal in between the other stones. And off you go, once more outer space. First go to the very bright star.

When you are in front of the big yellow planet, pass it at the right side again. Go to the other bright star with the big stones in front of it. You will end up again in the colorful space mist. Turn to the left until you see the black hole in the distance. Travel to the black hole.


The black hole

When you arrived at the black hole, go through the bright gap …


And watch the end movie …


And they lived long and happily ever after …

Bert Jamin

Bert Jamin

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