Invade the Privacy of Others in Do Not Feed the Monkeys
Developer Fictiorama Studios (Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today) calls this game a "unique, life-spotter simulator" and "a
narrative-driven, voyeuristic experience"

Okay. You’ve been invited to join a phony wildlife conservation society callled Primate Observation Club, which is really a front for a shadow organization that spies on people. If you join, you can leave your boring life behind as you stick your nose into other peoples’ business using hacked webcams and surveillance cameras.
You’re tired of living a dull existence in a dump of an apartment and working at monotonous jobs. Of course, you sign right up.
Along with watching people (referred to as “monkeys”) with hidden cameras (called “cages”), you’ll get to pry into their lives and screw around with things using info you’ve discovered about them online. Help them or harm them. It’s your choice.
There is only one rule: don’t interact with people directly. In other words, Do Not Feed the Monkeys.
Luis Oliván, Producer, Fictiorama Studios: We all have a natural tendency to wonder about other people’s lives. Sometimes the best stories are kept secret … all in the name of privacy. It begs the question: Why miss out on life’s best experiences because they’re not your own? We’re trying our hand at an answer with Do Not Feed the Monkeys. Hope you enjoy the ride!
The game, to be published by Badland Games, will be available on Windows via Steam in 2017. The exact launch date is TBD.
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