Obduction For Oculus Rift Set to Arrive October 31st
A Mac version should be along sometime in December
Behold, Obduction! – August 25, 2016
From Cyan’s October 25th update, and I quote…
Obduction VR
For those of you anxiously awaiting the VR version of Obduction, we have some exciting news! The Oculus Rift VR update of Obduction will be widely available on October 31st – the 19th anniversary of Riven’s release!
But wait… there’s more!
We’ll be making Obduction for the Rift available on the Oculus Store for all Backers a few days before the official release date – on Friday, October 28th. If you helped back Obduction you’ll get a notification on the 28th from Humble for an Oculus Store key. (Here is how to redeem the key.)
Obduction will be one of the most extensive VR games available! Obduction in VR is not just a demo or small slice – it’s the entire experience. This updated Obduction will allow you to choose how you want to explore – Rift or monitor. It’s so exciting to be able to offer our newest worlds in such an immersive format! We hope you enjoy the experience.
Mac Update
We continue to make good progress on the Mac version. As Epic and Apple have helped out with our Mac endeavor it has become evident that Obduction works best with the latest versions of everyone’s software. There are numerous enhancements in MacOS Sierra and the latest Unreal Engine 4 update that clean up many bugs and improve performance, and more are coming. With that in mind it looks like a December time frame will allow us to include updates that Obduction will need for a good Mac version.
We also want you to be aware that we’ll be moving our QA focus to MacOS Sierra. What that means is that when the Mac version of Obduction is released it may work for you on previous versions of MacOS, BUT we’ll be limiting our support to Sierra.
We don’t want to minimize the cost involved in keeping your computers updated, but those of you who have been fans of Cyan for many years realize that our ability to provide evocative worlds has always been tied closely to current hardware, and the latest OS. Our very first game The Manhole required a hard drive when Macs mostly had floppy drives. It was updated to require a CD-ROM drive – one of the first games to require one. Myst required a newer Mac with color monitor, a CD-ROM drive, hard drive, and the latest OS to run QuickTime. And then Riven required a more powerful Mac and a newer OS than even Myst did.
With all that said, Rand plays Obduction on a late 2013 MacBook Pro – not exactly brand new, AND not exactly a gaming machine. We’ve done our best (with Apple and Epic’s help) to optimize and make Obduction work on older hardware, and we hope your older system will work as well.
Thanks for your support!
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