Memories of the Past, the First Chapter in the David Slade Mysteries Series, Looks to Get Greenlit
In an adventure set in the dark and gritty streets of a town called River Side, this chapter will introduce protagonist David Slade; a bonus prologue chapter, Apartment 202, has been added to the release

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The David Slade Mysteries, from Gear Worx Productions/Steve Adamson, is a story-driven adventure thriller with no jump scares. It relies on a dark, haunting, immersive story that’s rich in atmosphere. It will also be fully voiced and feature graphic novel cutscenes.
David Slade is a rookie homicide detective with a dark and haunting past. Years ago, he lost his sister under strange circumstances that left many unanswered questions.
We meet him on the fifth anniversary of her death as he travels to the family farm to visit his parents. This is something he’s done every year since his sister’s passing.
But this time he doesn’t reach his destination. En route, he’s in an accident in which he’s injured. He goes to a nearby house seeking assistance. Instead, he gets something for which he’s completely unprepared.
Memories of the Past, including the bonus prologue chapter Apartment 202, will be released on Windows and Mac at a date TBD. Support for HTC Vive may be added later. Meanwhile, please consider upvoting the game on Greenlight.
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