Firewatch to Ignite February 9, 2016 on PC, Mac, Linux and PS4
Developer Campo Santo is busy tweaking, tuning, bug-fixing and polishing its excursion into the wilderness
The Art of Firewatch – March 31, 2015
Firewatch Live Gameplay Video, Reveal and Soundtrack Trailers, Screens, Info – September 9, 2014
Firewatch is a mystery game set in the Wyoming wilderness. Players take on the role of a fire lookout named Henry, whose only emotional lifeline is the person on the other end of a handheld radio.
When something strange draws Henry out of his lookout tower and into the world, he’ll explore a wild and unknown environment and make choices that can either build or destroy the only meaningful relationship he has.
Firewatch is to be released February 9, 2016 on PC, Mac, Linux and PS4. Campo Santo will be revealing more about the game in the interim.
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