Dream to Finally Be Released July 31st
No, you’re not dreaming. After two years in Early Access, the narrative adventure for PC/Windows that features lucid dreaming is finished (as in complete and ready!)

Dream – Trailer, Screens, Info – August 1, 2014
If indie developer Hypersloth has anything, it’s tenacity. When Dream‘s Kickstarter campaign failed, they kept going. When they hit the so-called Death Valley Curve, they survived and kept going.
They stayed in Steam Early Access a full two years. They really believed in Dream, and have now made it a reality.
Howard Philips has been merely drifting through life while trying to deal with the grief of losing a loved one. Step into his subconscious and enter a multilayered realm of mystery and imagination through lucid dreaming, which Howard believes will enable him work through his feelings. Enter a world beyond the limitations of reality where Howard must endure nightmares as well.
The direction of Dream‘s non-linear narrative as well as its final outcome will be affected by your choices. The game will have three endings and up to 15 story segments depending on the way it’s played.
Discover whether the path of Howard’s dreams will hold the key to finding meaning in his waking life.
Indie developer Hypersloth and publisher Mastertronic will launch Dream for PC/Windows on Steam July 31st.
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