Upcoming Release Norse Noir: Loki’s Exile Partners with Sound Designer Jory Prum (Telltale Games, LucasArts)
Developer KreativeSpill announces today their partnership with award-winning sound designer Jory Prum and an all-star voice acting cast for their upcoming point-and-click adventure game series Norse Noir: Loki’s Exile.
Norwegian-based developer KreativeSpill A/S announces today their partnership with award-winning sound designer Jory Prum for its upcoming episodic point-and-click adventure game series Norse Noir: Loki’s Exile, a classic-style, hand-drawn adventure game in which the roaring ’20s and Norse mythology collide. Prum’s extensive knowledge and expertise as a veteran of the gaming and film industries including Telltale’s award-winning The Walking Dead games, Lucasarts’ Escape from Monkey Island, and DoubleFine’s Broken Age, contribute to crafting the game’s distinct, multi-worldly setting.
Norse Noir: Loki’s Exile, Chapter 1 is scheduled for release in late May 2015 for PC, Mac, and Windows phones.
Spike Spencer (Neon Genesis Evangelion, BlazBlue, World of Warcraft): Lars * Kristiansen/Loki
Stephanie Sheh (Legend of Korra, Sailor Moon, Naruto, Bleach): Dandy Swahn
Brittany Lauda (HuniePop, Strife, Heroes of Newerth): Sheila Swahn
Lisa Ortiz (Pokemon, One Piece, Yu-Gi-Oh, Slayers): Ida Swahn
Leer Leary (Silent Hill: Downpour, 30 Rock): Edgar/Aegir
Sandra Espinoza (Supreme League of Patriots, Apotheon): Freida/Freyja
Remy/Thor: Josef Gagnier (Lords of Xulima): Remy/Thor
Daisy Guevara (Muerte En El Infierno): Hemingway/Heimdallr
Sungwon Cho (Apotheon, A Hat in Time): Lenny and Fredric
Josh Tomar (Skullgirls, Sword Art Online): Nelson
Mike Pollock (Sonic the Hedgehog, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Pokemon): Tyrone
Lucien Dodge (Dust: An Elysian Tail, Guilty Gear Xrd, Diablo III): Chesterfield and Odin
Melanie Ehrlich (YIIK, Holy Knight, Lords of Xulima): Sgt. Betty Amaria
Vic Mignogna (Full Metal Alchemist, Soul Eater, Dragon Ball Z): Fimafeng
Karen Kahler (Heroes of Newerth, Dust: An Elysian Tail): Landlady Farwood/Ran
Featured background actors: Kristin Wilson (Bastion, Transistor), Michele Knotz (Pokémon, Street Fighter X Tekken), Devon Talbott (Blackhole, Technobabylon), Michael A. Zekas (Technobabylon, Lords of Xulima)
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