Download the Bonus Edition of Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness
Physical copies of the Bonus Edition have sold out, but it’s still available in digital form until May 18th; physical copies of the Standard Edition are still available
HeR Interactive Sends the Official Trailer for Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness Crashing Into Your Screen – April 18, 2015
The Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness Bonus Edition for Windows or Mac can be yours today.
Extra features include:
-Find and collect exclusive in-game phone charms
-Snoop through additional entries in a character’s tablet
-Play mini-games on your in-game cell phone
-Earn a unique in-game award
-Find and read The Factually True Adventures of Sonny Joon and Cyborg Nancy
-Hunt for an exclusive Easter egg
The game will be officially released on May 19, 2015. For more information, see the HeR Interactive website.
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