Epanalepsis Will Travel Through Time to PC, Mac and Linux on May 21st
The narrative-driven point-and-click adventure from indie developer Cameron Kunzelman takes place in three different time-frames and illustrates the unyielding progression of life and technology

Developer Cameron Kunzelman creates games that intersect with art and philosophy.
Epanalepsis explores 60 years of urban life through three characters: one in the 1990s, one in the 2010s and one in the 2030s. Each will face problems unique to his/her individual time period, and each will encounter something extremely strange.
The game has been influenced by such sci-fi authors as Joanna Russ and Philip K. Dick, and games such as The Shiva. Kunzelman has described Epanalepsis as “weird and endearing, warm and nihilistic, funny and somber.”
For a fascinating philosophical piece from Kunzelman concerning the nature of such concepts as reality and choice — using the film No Country for Old Men as an example and applying the belief system of bad guy Anton Chigurh (a very scary dude) to videogames — have a look at his blog.
The plan is to launch Epanalepsis on Steam for PC, Mac and Linux on May 21, 2015.
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