Izle – A 3D procedural action-adventure RPG Arrives on Kickstarter and Greenlight
Rebuild the last world of light with the help of the gods in this story-driven game from indie developer Area Effect

Visit the Kickstarter page
Visit the Greenlight page
Izle is a game of freedom, responsibility and choices.
The island of Izle is the remnant of a long war, lost in the depths of space. It’s up to you to rebuild it through terraforming, assisted by the Gods of Light.
Succeed, and you’ll be granted Shards of Light with which you can reinforce the magical shell defending your world or craft powerful items of Light to use against the Shadows.
Izle is already under attack, and the Shadows are approaching to unleash their rage upon your world. You must gather Shards of Light to use against them, ultimately confronting them in the Dark Citidel. Fail, and your world will be destroyed.
The plan is to release Izle on PC, Mac, Linux and colsoles (Wii U, XBLA, PSN). Indie developer Area Effect has a Greenlight campaign in progress and is looking to raise $90,000 on Kickstarter by May 1, 2015. Your support and backing would be appreciated.
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