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Bosch’s Damnation Demo Walkthrough

Bosch's Damnation Demo Walkthrough

Bosch’s Damnation Demo Walkthrough

This walkthrough describes ALL the actions which you must take in order to succeed, together with a relatively small number which are not essential to completing the demo of Bosch’s Damnation.


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Carol Reed Mystery # 10


Len Green    23rd February 2014



     There should be no need to use this walkthrough since there is a very sophisticated & detailed dynamic hint system built into the game itself! (It is fully described both in the tutorial and the manual.)


It has been excellently and almost uniquely devised for a non-linear game so that the player can get help at ANY/EVERY stage of the game without revealing any future gameplay.


******   But if you so desire — carry on !    ******


This walkthrough describes ALL the actions which you must take in order to succeed, together with a relatively small number which are not essential to completing the game.


However, please don’t use this walkthrough unless you absolutely have to. Some aspects which are not absolutely imperative have been omitted. A lot of these are interesting and provide much of the background story to the game, and particularly to the fascinating (and artistic) character, scenery and history of Norrköping … a relatively small town in Sweden, and home to the DeveloperMikael Nyqvist.


     Warning :-  The main purpose of this game is to examine items, interview people, solve puzzles and to unravel the mystery and reveal the criminal. In addition to all this, to view the interesting sights and scenery, and generally ‘act the tourist in Sweden!’, etc. 


If you simply take this walkthrough in your hand (or consult all the built in hints) and follow exactly what to do and not to do, you can probably finish the game quite quickly.However that would completely defeat its whole purpose!


The walkthrough does not do justice to “Bosch”s Damnation”! A very great part of the interest and beauty of the game is wandering around through the vast number of locations, views, residences, etc


There is a lot of interesting history and material in Norrköping, a small but quite important city whose population is a little under 100,000 and whose original roots date back to the 14th century, or earlier!



This is a first-person completely point’n-click  game covering many different locations and interesting places. It does not contain many ‘stand-alone’ puzzles, and those included are generally not too difficult.


You should most certainly NOT have to follow the same order of accessing locations or performing actions as described in this walkthrough since the game is mainly non-linear.


There are a very great number of permutations of routes, and it is almost impossible  that two players will follow exactly the same route and itinerary throughout the whole game from start to finish. Many locations of course will not appear on the map and hence be available until you have completed certain tasks. And so, due to this, in these cases a particular order IS mandatory. Other than that, you are free to visit (&/or revisit) all locations on the map and perform all actions as and when you see fit!


In addition it is quite possible that this walkthrough does not describe the best or even optimum route to play the game (and finish it completely)!


In “Bosch’s Damnation” you cannot get killed – or its equivalent! However, as in most adventure games, it is easy to make wrong or redundant moves! So it is advisable to save frequently.


There are 200 save-slots… in case anybody needs that many! So you can save as often as you like.


Every time you obtain a new item, it will appear in your inventory. You should observe each new inventory item immediately it appears there by right clicking on it to get an excellent greatly enlarged picture of the item together with a very short caption outlining its description (just in case it’s not 100% obvious!).


It is imperative to view, and sometimes to manipulate, some of the inventory items in close-up to complete some action upon them. In addition, some inventory items will combine with others to form new items there. And so attempts must be made to test this.


In the text (following), all objects which are acquired  and entered into the inventory are written in  bold, underlined, italicized, blue.


All objects which are used from  the inventory are written in  bold, underlined, red.


Whenever a new location appears on the map and until you go there for the first time, the location-label remains  ‘blinking’ continuously on the map!


In the text, where the instruction says to click, the meaning is to single- LEFT -click only: Otherwise it will read, ‘right-click’  etc.


If you are not too acquainted with this type of Quest-Adventure game, play through the short tutorial which will familiarize you with the controls and interface.

             *******    Otherwise… skip it, start the game, and ENJOY!    ********


The Walkthrough

{1}  The old barn (1st visit)

This demo does not start from the beginning of the game as many demos do!

*****  As the game opens, Carol is facing a ramshackle barn.

*****  Enter the barn.

*****  Have a good look around.

***** View an object with a dark coloured top  lying on the floor just about where you entered the barn.

*****  Examine and open it… It is a round box with an attached lid containing something white.

*****  Close the lid of the box and Carol exclaims “That’s fingerprint powder” and the fingerprint powder  goes into inventory.

N.B.  This action is actually unnecessary since this item is not used at all in the demo – only in the full game.  However, since a murdered body has been found there it is not surprising to stumble on previous police activity in that location.

*****  Enter the door to an inner room.

*****  Pick up a ladder. It is lying on the straw which covers most of the floor.

*****  Prop the ladder  up against a suitable internal wall in the first room you visited.

*****  Climb the ladder – Carol is standing on a sort of gallery overlooking the floor of the inner room – it too is covered in straw.

*****  Look around.

*****  There is a black coloured object there, partially concealed by the straw. It is close to the spot where you first alighted from the ladder.

*****  Take this object – You can’t… Carol cries “It’s too far away and I don’t want to walk out there”!

*****  Go down the ladder.

*****  Exit the old barn.


{2}  The house  (1st visit)

*****  Look around outside the barn until you come across an abandoned  rather dilapidated house ……….

*****  ………. Look there and see an agricultural rake.

*****  Grab the rake .


{3}  The old barn (2nd visit)

*****  Return to the barn ……….

*****  ………. and enter it ……….

*****  ………. and climb that ladder again.

*****  Look at the object carefully in close up,

*****  From inventory, use the rake  to obtain that abovementioned object – Oh dear… Carol cries “It fell through the hole”.

*****  Search for the missing object.  It presumably landed somewhere on the floor below.

                      If you have trouble finding it amongst the straw on the floor:- Look for a frame where you can see a couple of transparent sacks and an empty orangecoloured paint tin.

*****  Examine the object in close up – it is an old fashioned digital clock inside a purse.

*****  Click on it again and you observe a calling card from ‘The Malte Stierngranat Museum.

                      Simultaneously, and for a few moments only , you see at the top left corner of your monitor screen a thumbnail picture of an empty map and you hear a bell-like ring. These 2 signals indicate throughout the game that a new location has been added to the map.

*****  Exit the barn area.


{4}  The museum (1st visit)

*****  On the map note the new location i.e. The Malte Stierngranat Museum  It will continue blinking until you access it for the first time only.

*****  Enter the museum. 

*****  You are in a hallway which faces a door leading to a small chapel.

*****  Walk around the hallway.

*****  Go upstairs.

*****  Find a table with a book lying on it – it is behind an open door and beneath an old fashioned pendulum clock on the wall.

*****  Open the book.

Look at the photo of the late wealthy Swedish VIP  Male Stierngranat by all accounts an unusual if eccentric gentleman! Amongst other matters, it describes Malte’sfascination with the Pyramids and the one he ordered and had constructed for his ACTUAL burial site… also his attraction to trains and railways and rail travel.

Whilst you are doing this you will trigger a new location on the map  – See the notes in brown just above this one.

N.B.  There are only 3 map locations in the demo, as opposed to nearly 3 dozen  in the full game.

*****  Go downstairs.

*****  Exit the museum and onto the map.

*****  Click on the (blinking) location “Pyramid”.

At this stage of the demo there are 3 possibilities

**(i)    If you have already done everything essential in the museum, you will have no alternatives.  You will be transported to the pyramid (which you cannot enter in the demo – but can & MUST in the full game), and that will take you to the final screen which concludes this demo.

If however you haven’t performed the ‘essential’ actions in the museum, you will be presented with two further options:-

**(iia)    If for any reason you do not wish to continue a small way further, then choose “Click here to conclude the demo” and, like **(i)  you will immediately be taken to the pyramid and the demo is finished.  

**(iib)    If on the other hand you would like to complete all the important and interesting items you didn’t visit previously, then  choose “Click here to go back to the museum”

                      In cases **(iia) & **(iib) you are obligated to return to the museum, in order to complete the demo.


{5}  The museum (2nd visit)


*****  On the map, click on the location The Male Stierngranat Museum to return to the museum.

*****  Enter the small chapel to the right.

*****  Look around the chapel.

*****  Examine the display on the wall of the chapel, illustrating &  glorifying some aspects of Malte Steirngranat’s life and works. There is a new book on sale about him, some biographical material, mention of his foreign travels, the Pyramid he designed, his obsession with his personal coffin, etc.



*****  Walk upstairs again.

*****  Quite close to the top of the stairs, access a table which has a brochure on it.

*****  Open the brochure.

*****  Read up about Sten Stierngranatthe younger brother of  Male Stierngranat.

*****  Turn the page over.

*****  Look at the 2 photographs on this page.

*****  Leave the brochure.

*****  Go to the Morse Code exhibit ……….

*****  ………. and read the placard describing its background and maritime history.

*****  Return downstairs.

*****  Exit the museum.

*****  From the map, go to the pyramid location.


{6}  The Pyramid & DEMO-END (only visit)

Whichever of the three possibilities/options outlined above in brown, you have arrived at this screen illustrating Malte’s Pyramid and the end of the demo.  Repeating the note above – You cannot enter the pyramid in the demo but you can and MUST in the full game.


Hope  you  enjoyed  the  demo  and  will   enjoy  the  full  game  even  more!!


Len Green

Len Green

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