Delaware St. John: Asylum of The Lost Has Suffered "A Little Setback"
According to Bryan Wiegele, a large backer’s change in pledge has dropped the game below its target with six days to go in Kickstarter campaign
News: Delaware St. John: Asylum of the Lost on Kickstarter – November 22, 2013
From Kickstarter Update #17, December 16, 2013:
Hey Everyone,
As I’m sure you’ve noticed, our funding dropped below our goal today. The person who pledged so much was trying to do something very nice but unfortunately their financial situation changed and they had to change their pledge. They have apologized but we all know sometimes life throws you a curve ball.
We still have 6 days left to meet our goal so let’s make it count! I will have the promo video up tomorrow. We’ll keep spreading the word! We’re still very close so please don’t let this minor setback get to you. Let’s stay positive!
So if you haven’t made a pledge, now is the time to do so. If you have, consider increasing it!
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