Titanic: Adventure Out of Time
With this walkthrough you’ll be able to find out the myster of the sunken ship with ease.
TITANIC: Adventure Out of Time
Solution by: Lu Richardson
Written for: Cheet Sheets Magazine
General tips:
When the game starts, it’s a good idea to choose the
Tour rather than playing straight away. This will
allow you to learn to use the interface and it will
also familiarize you with the ship and how to move
about it: you are going to do an awful lot of that.
The important thing is to remember to look carefully
all around you by turning on the spot, and to
interact with everything you can. You could miss
something important if you failed to do this, and
even when items are not pertinent to the game, they
are still a visual treat.
As the manual indicates, you can get an awful lot of
help from the Stewart, the Elevator Operator and the
Purser, as well as the character named Trask. In
order to keep this solution as brief as possible, I
will take it for granted that you will talk to the
Stewart on the mechanics of the game, that you will
consult the Elevator Operator whenever you need to go
anywhere (just ask him for directions), that you will
go to the Purser and find out where everyone is to be
found (write a list of everyone’s cabin, it will save
you no end of time), and that you will take each item
you find to Trask.
Talk to everyone you meet (click on every human
figure you see). Use up every option. Sometimes you
need to click on them again to talk some more. When
choosing a given line is important, I will say so.
This game is event-driven rather than time-driven, so
take it leasurely: it’s well worth investigating
everything as you go along. There is more than one
way to go about solving certain problems, and this,
in fact, makes the game more complicated than it need
be; people keep sidetracking you, which is rather
confusing, and it’s all rather disjointed – the more
so because you can do things in any order you like.
Here, I will give you the most direct solution.
Certain details change every time you play the game –
so if events don’t take place exactly as I describe
them, please try other strategies. For instance, some
people seem to have a mind of their own and turn up
in different places every time you play – so if you
need to speak to someone and they are not there,
don’t panic. Go looking for them elsewhere.
I hope this solution will help: it’s main purpose is
to give you a rough idea as to what to do. It’s up to
you how you do it.
Oh, and, yes. Save your game often!
Explore the room and try everything. Ignore the
landlady knocking at the door and demanding the rent.
The most important thing is the desk, so leave that
for last. When you do start examining it, read all
the postcards (clicking on them turns them over), the
notes in the drawer, and also click on the watch.
These are most important things. When you’ve finished
with the desk, a bomb will drop on the house and
there will be a short clip to watch before you turn
up at your cabin in the…
Again, have a look around. Open the door when the
Stewart knocks and get all the info he can give you.
You will also get a card from P.P. asking you to meet
her at the electric camel. At the end of your
conversation with the Stewart, get the bag from the
bed. Find your watch near the basin (get it) and
click on the drawer of the dresser to read the note.
Now turn to the trunk. Open the bag and click on the
key to activate it. Next, drag the key over the trunk
to open it. Click on the right to get at the
gramophone. Put it together. Click on the handle to
get it going and listen to the message. Click on the
drawer beneath to see other cylinders. Click “OK” to
Now click on the left of the open trunk and open one
of the upper drawers, which contains an envelope.
Click on it to open it and look at the map and read
the report. Next, click on a drawer further down and
examine the decoder machine. That’s about it for now,
you can leave the cabin for your appointment with
Click on the map and then on the Great Staircase on B
Deck. You will see the Stewart here, if you need to
consult him again. Walk right around the stairs to
find the Elevator Operator. He is a mine of
information and you’ll probably need to consult him
quite often. Click on him and ask for directions.
Click on More Locations until you find the gymnasium.
Ask him about that and pay attention to his
directions. Then click on A Deck to be taken there.
On route, he will tell you about Georgia and her
party on D Deck. When you come out of the lift, walk
around to the stairs but, before you go up, click on
the guy standing there. Trask turns out to be an
interesting individual; remember where he is because
you’ll be coming back to him quite often. At the end
of the conversation, go up the stairs and, following
the Elevator Operator’s instructions, find the
gymnasium. Click on the girl to talk to her and
receive her directives. Afterwards, look around; some
of the machines can be used.
Leave the gymnasium by going straight out onto the
Boat Deck. Go aft and talk to Georgia; she will give
you her necklace. Ask about Sasha.
Head for the Wireless Room until you hear someone
calling you.
The Wireless Room
At this point you could take a shortcut by ignoring
him and going on to the Wireless Room. Attempt to
enter it and Officer Morrow intercepts you. It is
important that you choose the following lines when
talking to him:
“The sea appears calm”
“It’s a clear night, but dark”
“What uproar?”
“You don’t care for burocrats”
“What war was that?”
“No wonder moonless nights make you jumpy”
“Now, may I visit the wireless room?”
After this, he will invite you to do so. Open the
door, go in. Click on the table in front of you. Read
all the telegrams – one of them is German and
contains a number and a code (which changes everytime
you play). You take this automatically with you.
Get back to your cabin, open the trunk with the key
as before and click on the bottom drawer to reveal
the decoder. Click on the two wires and flip the
switch. Click on the number drums so that the code on
the telegram appears on the bottom line. Next, click
on the letters you see on the telegram, without any
spaces if it specifies 1 word, and then press
DECODER. When you get the message, report to Penny
Pringle (P.P.) at her cabin.
However, it is much more fun to do it this way:
Talk to the guy who called you, Seidlemann. Agree to
go with him and you meet Zeitel and Haderlitz.
Converse with them until they all go, then click on
the table to the right to get Zeitel’s pipe. Examine
the Cafe for a bit of fun. Leave and you’ll meet
Daisy Cashmore, you gives you a lot of info and asks
a favour of you.
Go upstairs and to the Smoking Room to meet
Seidelmann, who will introduce you to Riviera. You
can have a few games of Blackjack, if you like.
How to get the book
Leave and go to the Great Staircase in A Deck and
talk to Trask. Show him the pipe; he suggests you go
to the Turkish Bath. Do so.
Inside, click on the fountain, click on the spout and
leave the water running. Go to the mirror and click
on it. You get a message.
Go to P.P., though you needn’t talk to her if you
don’t want to, and go down the stairs all the way to
the Turbine Room. Go in and go downstairs. Have a
look – there are some valves here that you can
activate, but I am not sure if this has an effect on
the Control Room or not. Just a thought. At any rate,
you’ll be coming back here later on in the game.
Go back up the stairs and along to the Control Room.
Enter it and attempt to enter the Engine Room. The
seaman won’t let you but he has trouble with the
turbine. Offer to help. Look at the controls and exit
(i.e., click on “OK”) – talk to the seaman and ask
for advice. He will show you the manual. Make a note
of the instructions, exit, say you’ll have another
bash and, at the controls, follow the instructions
exactly till you get the needle in the green zone.
Now you can go through to the Engine Room. Have a
good look around, because you’ll be coming back, then
go through to Boiler Rooms 1, 2 and 3, where you’ll
meet Vlad. Talk to him and agree to help him. Go down
the stairs behind him and examine Coal Shute 4 by
clicking on it. Retrieve the book, move to Coal Shute
5 and hide the book by placing it in the box.
Go up the stairs again and into the Engine Room; you
can take a short cut up the stairs, to the right and
up some more stairs, into the Scotland Road. Go to
Barbicon in A-14. Speak to him and get him to talk
about Georgia. Finally, get the parcel and take it to
Vlad, going to him the same way as before; the guy in
the Control Room will let you through. As soon as
Vlad is gone, go down the Stairs to Coal Shute 5 and
retrieve the book. Incidentally, you can make friends
with one of the men by talking to him and insulting
him till you call him “Landlubber”; however, it is
not essential to this solution.
Take the book to P.P. Talk to her. Go to the Purser.
Say “Thayer” and offer to help him with the telegram.
When you’ve done that, check the book in and inquire
about the list of passengers. Find out where G.Q.C.
hangs out. This is a good time to find out where
everyone else lives, too.
Go to the Wireless Room and you’ll meet P.P. who asks
you to eavesdrop on Zeitel & Co. Go to A Deck and
outside, walk aft and listen. Georgia should also be
here, so talk to her again and note her request.
How to send the telegram
Now back to the Wireless Room. If you haven’t entered
it before, follow the instructions I give above. To
send the telegram, do as follows:
Click on the table. Read all the telegrams (if you
haven’t come before). The German one in code goes
straight into your bag (no need to do anything about
it, though you might like to see what it says). Note
what there is in front of you. There are two
instruments to the left and two to the right, and
another on the front. First, click on the two papers
in the drawer to get the instructions – make a note
of them. Start by clicking on the instrument on the
top right hand side. Move the lever up to “On” (this
is rather difficult, keep trying till the bulbs light
up). Next, click on the top left hand side instrument
and push the lever to the left, to “Transmit”. Then
click on the instrument on the bottom right hand side
and turn the knob till the line hits 200 and the
light flashes. Now you can click on the instrument on
the front and simply type out the message you saw on
the telegram.
Go to the Purser and tell him you’ve sent the
telegram, then offer to go and tell Thayer. Instead,
he goes himself – which gives you a chance to look at
the Cargo Manifesto by the bell. Spot the name of
Lemke & Buechner. Report to P.P. She sends you back
to the Purser.
How to get the painting
Go to him, and this time he is preocupied with the
cufflink Mr. Strauss lost. Again, offer to find it.
We know Mr. Strauss was in the Reception Room at D
Deck from what other people told us, so go there. You
will meet Siedelmann – talk to him and ask him where
Strauss was sitting. At the end, turn your back on
the stairs and click on the left hand chair; then
click on the cufflink twice. You also get to talk to
Zeilter in this room.
Go back to the Purser and give him the cufflink.
Offer to take it to Strauss and he will leave,
pronto. Click on the key panel and take the key with
the fancy keyring.
Go to the Cargo Hold via A Deck and the Forecastle
stairs. When you try to get in, the seaman will first
stop you and, when he sees the keys, will let you
through. Advance three times and go through the door
to the right. You will spot the car. Click on it to
turn the lights on and look inside the box opposite.
Take the painting.
Report to P.P. yet again. She’ll tell you to see the
Stewart, who has a message for you. Go to the Great
Staircase in Deck B and talk to him. You might also
meet Daisy; tell her what she wanted to know and
you’ll get yet another message. Go to the Purser and
check in the painting.
Since this is important to this solution, go to the
Smoking Room and talk to Charles. Now go to visit
Georgia in her cabin. Charles comes in and you leave.
Although not strictly necessary for this solution,
you might as well go to see Conkling. Go to Scotland
Road and keep going aft till you see him. Talk to
him. Go to the Poop Deck for him. You should meet
Georgia again – talk to her. Go on and meet the two
Hackers. Talk to them and go back to Conkling. When
you’ve talked to him, go to Scotland Road, but this
time go forward: on your way downstairs to the 3rd
Class Cabins you’ll meet Troutt. Go along with
anything he says. Go to see the girl. Well, that’s
that done.
Go to the Smoking Room and talk to Charles. You find
out about the necklace.
How to get the real necklace
Go to Sasha’s cabin. As you enter his corridor, talk
to the seaman you’ll see. He is off to find a
screwdriver. Click on the fuse panel on the wall at
the back and throw over the switch marked A14. Turn
around and, when you see Sasha leaving his cabin,
throw the switch again. Go to his cabin and advance.
Click on the Russian doll. You have to solve a puzzle
here. Clockwise and top to bottom, these are the
numbers you need to line up. 15: 5-3-2-5; 19:
4-7-3-5; 12: 3-0-1-8. 4: 0-1-1-2. Click on the doll
to get it open. Now you get the real necklace. Take
it to the Purser.
How to get the notebook (almost)
Go to Deck D and find out how to get to the Squash
Court. Go there. Haderlitz invites you to fence with
him. Do so. I don’t think it matters whether you win
or lose, you still get the information – but I found
that aiming just right off the center of his foil’s
guard did the trick. When he lounges left or right,
he usually signals it clearly. At any rate, keep
fencing till you’ve got his ring and he merely asks
your for another match.
After the match, report to P.P. and then go to the
Great Staircase in A Deck. You meet the Gore-Joneses
with a message. Just go up the stairs and show the
ring to Trask. Afterwards, go to P.P. and report.
Go to Reception in D Deck and talk to Seidlemann. He
tells you about Haderlitz’s girl, who is to be found
in cabin D 19. Talk to her. Report to P.P.
Go to the Turkish Bath and talk to the officer,
asking him if you can investigate. Talk to the
Stewart. Go into the Turkish Bath and, from there, to
the Electric Bath. Click on it and pick up the scrap
of paper.
Take it to Trask, talk to him and show him the scrap.
With his insight, go to the Scotland Road, keep going
aft till you catch a glimpse of the axe and rope on
the wall. Click on that and, as if on cue, Jack
Hacker meets you and gives you another scrap of
paper. Take it to Trask at his usual stand: you might
meet the Gore-Joneses again. Don’t neglect to show
the scrap of paper to Trask.
Go to the Parisian Cafe, search the tables and you
will find a packet of cigarettes; take them to Trask
and he tells you who they belong to. Go to the
Smoking Room, find Seidelmann and give him the
cigarettes. He gives you some important information
in return.
Armed with this info, go to the Boat Deck.
Here you can take a little and unnecessary diversion
by talking to the seaman by the bridge, on the other
side of the Wireless Room. He tells you Officer
Morrow has lost his binoculars. Go aft and up to the
first platform and find the binoculars, then take
them to Morrow. He will let you into the Bridge. You
can try to change course, but it won’t do you any
good. At the end, talk to Morrow again. There, that
was nice, wasn’t it?
You might also meet Troutt who will give you a prayer
card; this can be exchanged for a photo if you go to
Burns at C-78. But, since it doesn’t matter, why
And now for the real business. Find a seaman (the guy
in charge of the Cargo Hold) by lifeboats 9/10. Talk
to him and ask him if you can climb the smokestack,
but you will find you can only do that from the
Engine Room.
OK, go to P.P. and talk to her, then go down the
stairs to the Turbine Room. Just in case, go down the
stairs and interfere with the valves once more. Up
and through to the Control Room. Once more, you are
asked to fix the turbine and, since you know what to
do, you’ll have no trouble. If you’ve forgotten, ask
for advice again. When you’ve put matters right,
you’ll be able to go through to the Engine Room. Go
left when you have the opportunity, so that you can
go up the smokestack. Unfortunately, Vlad is there
and you get into a bit of a fight. It is not
important whether you win or lose, but I found that
alternating blows (cursor to the left or right of
him) actually did the trick and I beat him.
At the end, go up the stairs, all the way to the top.
Walk around, keeping your eye on the center, till you
spot the diary. Get it.
Guess what, you’ve got company. Zeitel comes waving a
pistol and demanding the diary; stall him. There is a
minor pause in your negotiations when the Titanic
hits an iceberg. Never mind. Offer him the pen P.P.
gave you. This stuns him and you are able to get
down, where Vlad is waiting to knock you out cold.
You wake up in your cabin. What you can hear is not
your head throbbing but a knock at the door. Open it
and P.P. will give you her next set of instructions.
At this point you might like to save your game so
that you can try various angles: I will tell you how
to complete the game quickly.
Leave the cabin and turn right to go to the Great
Staircase. Go up to A Deck and into the First Class
Lounge. You meet with Haderlitz’s girl, who gives you
her shawl. Go in and talk to Trask. DO NOT talk to
Zeitel. Find your way out of here through the other
door, and go to the Smoking Room. Save a new game,
talk to Riviera and bet the real necklace against the
boat pass. You’ll probably win. You must; if you
don’t, reload and try again. Now go back to the First
Class Lounge and, through there, to the Boat Deck.
Don’t talk to anybody.
Going aft, you’ll probably bump into the
Gore-Joneses. Ignore them.
Go to the Second Class Stairs and keep going down (DO
NOT talk to the Hackers) till you get to the Turbine
Room and then go down to the contraption with the
valves. You’ll meet Vlad – talk to him. Persuade him
to exchange the notebook for the shawl.
Now go all the way up to the 2nd Class Staircase and
find P.P., who is around here. Talk to her and then
talk to the seaman next to her. Give him the boat
pass. That’s it. Sit back and enjoy the finale.
Smashing game, wasn’t it, even with all the
inconsistencies. For instance, how did Vlad get hold
of the fake necklace I was carrying in my bag?
In this final section you can also get frightfully
involved with everyone. For instance: you could talk
to the Hackers and find out that Mrs. Conkling has
stolen the baby, so they give you a letter you have
to take up to her, collect the baby and take it to
the Hackers. You could talk to Zeitel and find out
he’s poisoned Georgia and he wants the map in
exchange for the antidote – they you rush to cabin
A-14 to save her, but later Zeitel will give you the
map in exchange for the boat pass. But then, how will
you leave the Titanic? Still, it’s up to you; you
might what to re-play the last section just for fun.
I have a suspicion that these posibilities, specially
Zeitel, are there to stop you from completing the
game successfully: but they are interesting anyway.
In the main body of the game, if you fail to get the
book or the painting, there is a whole alternative
machinery in place; though not getting the book will
certainly stop you from winning. If you want to try
that for fun, you’ll probably get heavily involved
with the photographer at C-78; the Gore-Joneses tell
you about him.
When you first visit him he wants to know where is
his wife. Turn right and go along to the Grand
Staircase; you’ll see her there with her blue hat,
click on her. Go back to C-78 to tell him and he will
depart hurriedly, leaving the door open. Go in.
The Photos
Now, this is very tricky, so save your game. First,
have a look around – you can open the wardrobes and
enjoy looking at the couple’s clothing. Look at the
table and click on the piece of paper to the left.
Read the instructions carefully. Turn the red lamp to
the left to try it on. Don’t touch anything else.
Turn right around and walk to the door, turn left and
click on the buttons. Turn right, and make your way
to the table. If it is too dark for you to see
clearly, press F1. When you’ve advanced to the table,
click on the red lamp. Now click on the first box and
get the paper. Put it in the tray numbered 1 and
count to 18 or 20 (the image should change slightly
three times). Remove the photo, dragging it to tray
2. Count to 12 or 15 (it should change slightly
twice), then click on it – it will automatically be
hung to dry. Because this is very tricky and you
could easily spoil the photo, save each time you have
succeeded. When all three are done, go back to the
door and turn the light on. Go back to the photos and
put them in the bag; click on each and then on the
spying glass to see close ups. Then take them to P.P.
In other words, once you’ve completed the game
correctly, try goofing up, just to enjoy a different
experience… It is such a pleasure to wander around
such a magnificent ship.
Written for: Cheet Sheets Magazine.
Email us at cheets@sv.span.com for game solutions, hints, cheats.
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