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If you need an in-depth description of Vet Emergency, then I strongly suggest you re-read Harriet’s detailed review of Emergency Room: Code Red and substitute the words puppy or kitten every time a person is mentioned. They are really both the same game, the only thing that has changed are the outward appearances of the patients. So now, instead of attempting to save the life of a slimy street thug, you are attempting to save the life of a slimy reptile.

As with the other Legacy products you have a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) that contains hints, information and research. You can choose which patient you would like to see next by studying a white grease board that also offers some background info on the patient’s current condition. You can then choose to diagnose or even operate if necessary. Video segments are nicely mixed with still photos and there are even some light touches of humor to prevent the proceedings from becoming too serious.

There are 35 cases to examine, diagnose and treat and Legacy has provided numerous levels of therapeutic intervention aids to help you with your panting, barking, meowing and cooing patients. Besides the PDA, there is a hints portion to gently lead you towards your next step of treatment and a research section and medical research computer that you can access to obtain all of the information necessary to successfully diagnose and treat your patient. It is chock full of treatment protocols, a medical terminology glossary and an emergency room tutorial. This is not a game in which you can just gloss over a solution.

If the above is not enough information to put your diagnostic skills into overload, there is also a full cast of characters with which to contend. Not only do most of the characters in the game have more personality than do your average action gamer (Me blow things up, make them go boom), but these are also people with a mission in life. For example, let’s take a look at Ellie Rosen’s bio…

Ellie Rosen – adorable but feisty, Ellie has a wicked sense of humor and delicate vulnerability hidden under a tough exterior. She is a hip and articulate outspoken “vegan warrior,” EarthFirst! and PETA animal activist. Taking care of animals is not only her job but also her first love.

Admirable qualities to be sure, but personally I do not think I would want to be married to this woman as I would surely be sleeping in the doghouse and slurping my meals from a dog bowl.

All kidding aside though, my point is that Vet Emergency is a product geared towards gamers sincerely interested in animals or curious as to what it would be like to be a veterinarian for a day. And on this level, it succeeds commendably. If nothing else, all three of these products prove that it is not necessary for a product to have 3D state-of-the-art graphics to be successful, as we adventure gamers know all too well.

Vet Emergency Final Grade – B.

System Requirements all 3 games:

266 MHz Pentium
High color/16 bit capable
2MB video card
16x CD-ROM
Sound card

Power MAC OS 8.1 or higher
266 MHz
Thousands of colors
16-bit capable video card
16x CD-ROM drive
Sound card

Randy Sluganski

Randy Sluganski

Randy Sluganski was a true adventure gamer and his passion for these games made him just as important as the developers and publishers of these games. Randy passed away after battling lung cancer for over 10 years. Randy can never be replaced but we would like to light a torch in his memory for what he did for us with his love of adventure gaming.We dedicate this site to the Memory of Randy Sluganski and his love for adventure games.

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