With one week left in the Kickstarter campaign, The Brotherhood still needs $20,000. To celebrate progress so far, a free bonus add-on to backers is announced.
More info:
BEAUTIFUL DESOLATION Is Now Live on Kickstarter – January 24, 2017
BEAUTIFUL DESOLATION Is Still On-Track For Kickstarter – January 20, 2017
BEAUTIFUL DESOLATION, From the Makers of STASIS – November 15, 2016
This just in, from Chris Bischoff of The Brotherhood…
To celebrate the amazing progress BEAUTIFUL DESOLATION has made – I have the pleasure to announce a free bonus add on to our backers.
YES, this is really FREE!
Here’s the deal:
Any backers who pledged at $149 (or MORE) now get this reward at no extra cost.
Let me tell you exactly what you get:
~You get the SPECIAL EDITION DESOLATION BOX of with red foiling.
~You get this LIMITED EDITION CAYNE box.
~Your name is used in game story.
~Your name is in the credits.
~You get BETA access to play BEAUTIFUL DESOLATION before anybody else.
~You get the Digital Art Book.
~You get the Digital Soundtrack.
~We also throw in an EXTRA digital copy on Steam or GOG.
~You get the DELUXE version of STASIS on Steam or GOG
~You get the DELUXE version of CAYNE on Steam or GOG.
~PLUS you get exclusive backer news & wallpapers…
The printing costs for this box are high and I need to order them 200 at a time, so I need to put a limit on the amount of CAYNE boxes that we have made 🙁
I can’t guarantee that these will be available after next week.
Click here to check out the campaign and grab this CAYNE box.
We’ve broken the $ 100,000 mark! That means that we have just $20,000 left to raise THIS WEEK.
Here are the latest campaign updates – read them and let me know!
Feel free to pop in and say hi to me on the Kickstarter comments page.
Thanks for the support and have a wonderful weekend!
If you haven’t played CAYNE, you can get it free at STEAM and GOG.
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