Storm Warning Info Blows In
Darkling Room presents its latest supernatural thriller

In Storm Warning, you’ve inherited a seaside attraction known as Bazalgette Pier. Unfortunately, the pier was shut down in 1988 and is currently in ruins. Although it should have completely collapsed years before, it’s still standing.
Some believe this is due to the pier being cursed. People have disappeared and it’s said that their ghosts remain here.
You may be the only person who can break the curse. Using ghost-hunting gadgets and detective skills, you’ll try to get to the bottom of what’s going on at Bazalgette Pier. You’ll be given only one night to do so. And watch out: a storm is rolling in.
Storm Warning has been written by Jonathan Boakes (Dark Fall and Lost Crown series) and is based on his love of old British Piers from the Victorian and Edwardian Eras. The game’s platforms and release date are TBD.
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