Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! Sails into Greenlight
This point-and-click nautical adventure (and predecessor to Nelly Cootalot: The Fowl Fleet), originally released in 2007 as freeware, is being given the hi-def treatment
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Years before fearsome pirate Nelly Cootalot commanded The Fowl Fleet, she embarked on a mission to investigate the disappearance of an endangered species of wildfowl known as Spoonbeaks, having been commanded to do so by the spirit of a dead Buccaneer.
She will also uncover corruption in the Barony of Meeth and encounter the abominable Baron Widebeard for the first time.
According to developer Alasdair Beckett-King (who is also a stand-up comedian and has great hair), Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! was originally created as a birthday present for his girlfriend. But considering the success of The Fowl Fleet, the decision was made to revisit Spoonbeaks Ahoy! and remaster it for modern hardware. Voilà.
Old Screenshot: 640×480
New Screenshot: 1920×1080
Along with rescuing Spoonbeaks, Nelly will acquire morally dubious items on behalf of minor aristocrats; intercept the private correspondence of a daredevil pilot; come to the aid of downtrodden supernatural beings; be confused by Nelly’s obscure colloquialisms; borrow facial hair from long-dead pirates and wantonly misuse the word “borrow.”
Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! will be released on Windows early in 2017. Please consider upvoting the game on Greenlight. Meanwhile, Nelly Cootalot: The Fowl Fleet may be purchased here.
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