Discover 1st-Person Psychological Horror in The Shattering
This ambitious debut title from SuperSexySoftware and Deck13 will be released for Windows in 2018

You are a nameless protagonist whose mind has been shattered by tragedy. You’re left trapped in a hell of your own creation. Your task is to survive and find a way out of this limbo before your psyche deteriorates completely.
Shattered takes place in white, austere rooms in which you discover clues about yourself. These rooms will react and change according to your mental state.
Clues will be in the form of objects, letters, documents and messages scrawled on walls. Messages will either be helpful or lead you down the wrong path. It will be up to you to determine what’s true and what isn’t.
If you fail, you will lose your mind and your world will literally shatter. You’ll be left on a white screen, unable to move. Game over.
Marta Szymanska, Founder, SuperSexySoftware: You have lots of horror games nowadays but they are more about jumpscares and sadly not so much about what actually scares us. We want to change that. Our idea is to confront the player with the hidden fears that lie beneath an idyllic illusion of normalcy, only then one can truly understand the despair of the hero.
Shattered will have approximately three hours of gameplay. However, it will offer many paths for the player to take and multiple endings. According to the developer, …completing the game multiple times is the only way to truly understand the game’s plot, the protagonist’s story, and how he came to be trapped in his own thoughts.
Shattered is to be released sometime in 2018 on Windows. Stay tuned for further info…
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