Tales of Bingwood Chapter 1 Re-Emerges on Greenlight
Developer Markus Tuppurainen is looking to re-release the first chapter of the 2008 point-and-click adventure for PC

Visit the Greenlight page
Okay, class, here’s a short history lesson from the developer:
The development of The Tales of Bingwood started on Amiga computers in the early 1990s and continued sporadically over the next 15 years. True labor of love inspired by the adventures of one particular wanna-be-pirate, the game was originally released in 2008. However, as we were lacking in the marketing department, the game failed to make a big enough splash that would warrant developing the sequels at that time.
As time passed, we kept thinking of “what could’ve been,” and finally decided to take the steps towards re-releasing the first chapter in order to give the sequel a rightful second chance!
Now…in Chapter 1, a Princess is being held captive by an Evil Wizard. You are Tom, the son of a fisherman. You’ve been chosen to go get her (well, with a lot of help, anyway).
The developer is hoping Chapter 1 will be successful enough this time to warrant Chapter 2. As I understand it, the story was left…well…hanging back in 2008. You do want to see what happens, don’t you?
Chapter 1, to be released on PC at a date TBD, will take you on a nostalgia-soothing trip to the golden age of point-and-click adventures — and you look as though you could use a vacation. So go on over to Greenlight and give it your vote. The developer will love you for it.
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