PataNoir, Already Released for iOS and Android, Hits Early Access on PC
In the mood for some unusual interactive fiction? Well looky here, sweetheart.

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First, let’s hear from developer Simon Christiansen, aka SiChris (he says it a lot better than I could): The idea for PataNoir came to me after learning about Alfred Jarry’s pataphysics , and the related concept of the pataphor — a metaphor that becomes reality. I had long been wanting to make a noir game where hard-boiled metaphors would somehow be an essential part of the gameplay, but I couldn’t quite figure out how to pull this off. I considered having the player select metaphors from a menu, which would then affect how the scene played out, but it just didn’t go anywhere.
The pataphor provided an obvious gameplay mechanic. Manipulating objects is, after all, an essential part of most adventure games, so if a metaphor became an object, it could be manipulated like any other. Thus, PataNoir was born.
PataNoir is an homage to hard-boiled private eyes and the classic stories in which they appear. You are one such investigator, and you’re hired to find a Baron’s missing daughter. Metaphors and similes become your tools as you manipulate them to make sense of things and proceed through the narrative.
PataNoir‘s structure is that of a classic text adventure: the player interacts with the game by typing in simple commands. The PC version has a more sophisticated interface than appears in the already-released mobile version. It features an innovative simulated book, high-quality illustrations, a map of the game and an integrated music video. There is also a tutorial for text adventure neophytes.
So have a look…
And have a listen…
If you like what you see and hear, please consider upvoting PataNoir on Greenlight.
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