Kickstarter Campaign is Launched for Delta Legend — Magic of the Blues
If you’re looking for something refreshingly different, you’ve come to the right place

Visit the Kickstarter page
Delta Legend, from Dublin-based, two-person indie developer Gut Games Studio, is a fantasy action RPG. Its creative heart is anchored in blues music and folklore, and music represents an actual presence in the game.
A land called Pandemonium, where most of Delta Legend is set, is home to all sorts of music-playing demons. Delta City is a smaller realm located by the Mississippi Delta. Humans dwell here, and the town holds much insight concerning blues music, folklore and legends.
Pandemonium and Delta City intersect at a crossroads tended by Leegbak, a somewhat cantankerous Gatekeeper Sorcerer.
A big bad nasty named Beezelee Bubba has taken over Pandemonium and forbidden everyone apart from himself and his minions to play music. Well, this will never do. Music is the very essence of demon-hood!
Three demons — Shorty, Sonso and Wern — are guardians of The Blues and are banished from Pandemonium. Shorty learns of a prophecy concerning a human bluesman who is the reincarnation of a powerful Delta Guitar Blues Legend. It is said that his unique style has the potential to overcome Beezelee Bubba and his band in a guitar duel.
Shorty and his compatriots embark on a quest to find the crossroads and convince Leegbak to open the portal to Delta City so they can search for the bluesman.
So far, I’ve only scratched the surface of Delta Legend, a unique game that will take you on a hair-raising journey. A visit to the Kickstarter page will reveal a lot more detail.
The campaign, which has a base goal of €40,000, will run until February 11, 2016. The plan is to release the game on PC/Windows, Mac and PS4. No anticipated launch date has been announced.
If you like what you see, please consider backing Delta Legend — Magic of the Blues. I’m sure Gut Games will love you for it.
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