Izle is Greenlit and Playable Demo is Released
Take a test drive of the game, be introduced to the narrative and explore the first four islands
Upcoming Release: Izle – A 3D procedural action-adventure RPG Arrives on Kickstarter and Greenlight – April 9, 2015
Visit the Kickstarter page
Izle, an action-adventure RPG that’s a cross between Zelda, Minecraft and Dark Souls, has officially been Greenlit! To celebrate, indie developer Area Effect has released a playable demo for both Windows and Mac.
Alexis Bacot, creator of Izle: “We’ve received some really positive feedback from our growing Kickstarter community and we hope that this demo will explain what we’re trying to achieve with our game, by giving players and backers a taste of our vision and what they can expect in Izle.”
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