Starpoint Gemini 2 to Support Next-Gen Oculus Rift Headset
Experience space as never before in this space sim/RPG hybrid from Iceberg Interactive and Green Men Games
Starpoint Gemini 2 Screens, Info – February 28, 2014
News: Starpoint Gemini 2 Alpha Update Announced by Iceberg Interactive – February 28, 2014
Starpoint Gemini 2 – Screens, Info & New Videos – Updated January 21, 2014
Publisher Iceberg Interactive and developer Little Green Men Games have announced that they’re implementing VR headset Oculus Rift into their highly anticipated, upcoming space sim-RPG Starpoint Gemini 2. The 3D, next-generation capabilities of the headset will provide unadulterated immersion.
“Even from our short time spent with Oculus Rift, we’re certain it’s a breakthrough in the making, bringing a whole new perspective on games in general,” says Mario Mihokovic, CEO of Little Green Men Games. “We’re thrilled for the ability to become a part of the VR revolution early on and can’t wait to see what we can do with it and what other developers will think of too.”
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