The Last Door
Game Kitchen’s free episodic point-and-click horror adventure for web browser will now be offered in over 10 languages.
A mysterious letter from an old friend asking for help kicks off a dark, twisted and spine-tingling story that unfolds chapter by chapter.
The game takes place in England in the late 19th century. The story has been inspired by the likes of H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe.
The Last Door boasts uniquely exaggerated pixel-art style graphics designed to show only what’s necessary, triggering the player’s imagination to bring the game’s world alive. The feel is that of reading a classic horror novel.
The Pilot Chapter, “The Letter” is now available for free. The second chapter, entitled “Memories” has been completed and a third chapter is on the way.
The game will run on PC, Linux & Mac and other flash-enabled devices.
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